You can read about Vanessa's First Annual Mad Tea Party here. AND see pictures -

Well, I hate this, but Donald and I have a conflict, so I won't be attending this lovely affair.
June 27th is also the 18th Annual Heritage Day Wood Kiln Opening at Bolick and Traditions Pottery. This is a fun event that we try to get to as often as we can. We don't make it every year, but are planning on making it this year, for sure. In addition to the kiln being opened and and unloaded, there's music, good food and mountain craft demonstrations of all kinds.
But, I'm happy to say - The 2nd Annual Mad Tea Party will go on as originally planned.
My friend Sissyfriss Sockmonkey has agreed to step in and act as hostess. It just so happens that Sissy's bookgroup is meeting on June 27th, and it's her turn to have the meeting at her house. Unfortunately, that's also the day her husband Marlon scheduled their new wood floors to be installed, so she can't have her meeting there as planned. Marlon said no no no absolutely not. But he would be at home that day and able to oversee the floor installation. Just not with a house full of people getting in the way of the floor folks.
As luck would have it, just as I was about to bow out of my tea party commitment, Sissy called and asked if she could move her book group here.
So we now have a joint book group/tea party happening right here at Meanderings and Muses on June 27th. Sissyfriss Sockmonkey asked me to let you all know she would be tickled pink to have you all, and if you would like to participate in the book group discussion, that would be loverly.
It's a different kinda book group.
No one in this group seems to be able to come to an agreement about what to read. So, everyone just reads what they want, then they get together every couple of months and tell one another about what they've read, and what they recommend. And, as a bonus, everyone brings something yummy to eat. oh boy.
It's the perfect excuse for everyone to just get together and enjoy one another, nibble some tasty treats and talk about books. What could be lovelier! Toss in a bit of a mad little tea party, and it turns into something pretty special, I dare say.
We shall see.
So allow me please, to introduce you to my gal pal, Sissyfriss Sockmonkey - -
Come back on June 27th and make her feel welcome, okay? It's just another of our little virtual get-togethers. Leave a comment letting us know what scrumptious little treats you've brought, AND what book you're reading that you're dying to squeal about.
Sissyfriss and her friends are going to take pictures so we can post them here after the party, along with a "post party recap." That way, those of us who can't make it will get to see what we missed.
I love this idea. I'm already baking.
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey made me grin. The name, her lovely self and the poem I started instantly making up about her in my head.
It's going to be epic. With at least twelve stanzas.
Karen :)
Hey, she looks like my old high school girlfriend! Come to think of it, she looks like ALL of my old high school girlfriends.
I'm not much for tea parties but I could really get into the Pottery Festival!
xoxo :)
Here's fifteen minutes of my life that I'll never get back. But it's SO FUN TO SAY.
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
So fun to say
Sissyyfriss Sockmonkey
Come right away
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
I’m having a party
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
It will be arty
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
I want you to come
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Now, don’t be dumb
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
I have quite a need
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
To hear what you read
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
To hear your story
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
So come to my soiree
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
We’ll all have a nosh
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Then have some tea
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Best is yet to be
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Book talk begins
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Silence reigns supreme
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Not even a cough
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
As you tell the story
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Of what author, what title
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey
Last knocked your socks off.
No sockmonkeys were harmed or denuded in the making of this poem. Some cookies and non alcoholic beverages were consumed, but no sockmonkeys were harmed.
Karen :)
Oh Oh Oh - I LOVE this poem!!
Karen, Thank You!
Sissyfriss Sockmonkey is fun to say,isn't it?
Kenneth. You're a nut. I'm better all your high school girlfriends were as gorgeous as your lovely wife!
Carol - this really is a terrific pottery event. I'll tell you all about it when we get back home on the 27th.
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