Yesterday afternoon?
About 5:00?
The UPS man dropped off a package - - -
If you've been following Meanderings and Muses, then you already know I've been pacing the

I chatted at length about Pat Conroy right here awhile back.
And I am over the moon excited that I'm one of the lucky ones who now has an Advance Reading Copy of South of Broad.
Yippee Skippy!
Guess what I'll be doing this weekend?!

Life is Good.
And you didn't call in sick? ;-)
Good for you Kaye! I'm with Vicki, you should have called out!
I didn't even realize he had a new release! I'll have to hit the bookstore today--thanks for the tip.
Mystery Writing is Murder
LOL! Vicki and Carol - you know me too well!!!! I was sooooo close to calling in sick, and the only reason I didn't was because I had a hair appt. in town today. I figured if I didn't go to work there was no way I'd get dressed to go get my hair cut! and I was already looking like a wild woman from Borneo. But now I'm home and getting ready to settle in. Me and Pat and a cup of fresh coffee. Life is good!
Ohhh my - Elizabeth don't hate me for getting you excited! My copy is an ARC - the release date is the middle of next month. But worth the wait!!!!!
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