Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Margaret Maron's Sand Sharks Launch

Donald and Harley and I had a great little road trip to Raleigh last week.

We left Harley to guard our hotel and had a nice dinner out before going to Quail Ridge Books and Music for Margaret's launch for SAND SHARKS.

This is the first time we've made it to one of Margaret's launch parties, and I think it's probably something we'll now add to our list of things we'll want to do every August from now until forever. It was easy to see that the people who came were not only exceptionally supportive long time fans of Margaret's Deborah Knott series, but they all just love Margaret to pieces and feel a strong connection to her. Not surprising in the least. She greeted each and every person with ease and graciousness as though they were the only other person in the room besides herself. She's a woman who sets the bar high for other writers, both with her writing and with her genuine friendliness, gentle elegance and candid humor.

I nominate myself #1 Margaret Maron Fan. What can I say - I adore her. And I absolutely, for sure, adore her Deborah Knott series and hope it lasts another 50, 60, or 70 so books cause I'm just sure there's lots more to learn about all those brothers, nieces and nephews. I just love those brothers, but mostly I have the biggest soft spot in my heart for Kezzie Knott, and as Margaret shows us from time to time - Kezzie still has some surprises for us. I also still hold out hope for another Sigrid Harald book. I know the chances of that happening are pretty much in vain, but a gal can hope, can't she?


Vicki Lane said...

Count me a MM fan too! And Kezzie is probably my very favorite character. Like you I'd love to see Sigrid H. come back. What an intriguing protag she is!

Jen Forbus said...

Wow! Look at all those people! That looks like some launch party, Kaye. So glad you were able to enjoy it. 50,60 or 70 more books? You're gonna keep that poor woman workin' for a long time, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Margaret Maron's Deborah Knott series. I anxiously await each new book at the end of the summer. Such joy! I've finished and loved SAND SHARKS and now have to wait an entire year for another one. My favorite character is and has always been Dwight. I loved him long before Deborah did!

Aubrey Hamilton said...

I'm going to plan better next time and work a day off to drive down from Virginia. It looks like a great party and what a wonderful venue--books everywhere!