Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A New Ride by Evelyn David

The author of Murder Off the Books and Murder Takes the Cake, Evelyn David is the pseudonym for Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett.  Marian lives in New York and is the author of ten nonfiction books on a wide variety of topics ranging from veterans benefits to playgroups for toddlers! For more information on these books, please visit her web site at  Rhonda lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma, is the director of the coal program for the state, and in her spare time enjoys imagining and writing funny, scary mysteries. Marian and Rhonda write their mystery series via the internet. While many fans who attend mystery conventions have now chatted with both halves of Evelyn David, Marian and Rhonda have yet to meet in person. 

A New Ride
by Evelyn David

We're Back: Bigger, Badder, and hopefully Wiser. Well, maybe two out of the three.

Change ain't easy. At least for the collective Evelyn David. You're looking at two people who often insist that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," which is a great excuse for not changing anything at all. Our once fervent hope was to keep things "just the way they are." So sometimes kicking and screaming, sometimes holding our collective breath, and sometimes with open arms, both halves of Evelyn David have confronted challenging situations over the last twelve months and, in spite of ourselves, have undergone a whole lot of change. And much to our surprise, if we say so ourselves, we've emerged the better for it. As that famous writer, anonymous, once said, "If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."

There were health crises, family crises, work crises, but thank God, those are behind us (poo, poo, as the original Evelyn would add to ward off the evil eye.) But the net effect is that there were months when the only writing we were doing as collaborators were e-mails to check on one another.

We had to pause and reevaluate where we wanted to go with our fiction writing - where we wanted to be in five or ten years. We also had to deal with the insecurities that most writers face when the last book has been out a few months and the new one isn't on the horizon yet. For us, taking a break, even an enforced one, wasn't a good thing. Writing, like riding a bicycle, is much easier to accomplish if you keep pedaling. If you stop, you lose momentum, fall, and worse yet, may never get going again.

But spring finally arrived and with it came renewal: physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Maybe things weren't normal as we had known them, but now there was a "new normal," and we were stronger and ready to tackle it. We decided to recommit ourselves to growing as mystery writers. Stagnation wasn't an option. There were new stories to be written–and the ideas, some crazy, some not, started flying back and forth between New York and Oklahoma. We refocused and rather than be reactive to circumstances, made conscious decisions about our professional future.

With great respect and appreciation for the opportunities afforded us by our original publisher, we made the decision to move on. We are proud, excited, heck downright giddy, to announce that Wolfmont Press ( helmed by the incredible Tony Burton, is reissuing in print and e-book formats the first two books of the Sullivan Investigations Series. *Murder Off the Books*, with a new cover and one significant detail changed, will be published at the end of this month. It's already available in Kindle and for the i-Pad. The trade paperback edition of *Murder Takes the Cake* will be released in November. It too is already available in e-book format. And finally, we can scarcely contain our delight to tell you that plans are in the works for book three, *Murder Drops the Ball*, to be published in all formats in spring, 2011. Mac Sullivan, Rachel Brenner, Whiskey and the whole crazy cast of characters are back investigating, squabbling, and dancing around the new year and new relationships. It has a story to die for, humor to make you laugh out loud, characters you know and love, and the gentle giant, Whiskey, the Irish wolfhound.

Robert C. Gallagher said, "Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine." So things are changing and so are we. Hope you'll join us on the ride. Fasten your seatbelts, it may be bumpy, but it's going to be fun! Check our website at for more details and our appearance schedule.

Rhonda's work space - Marian says hers looks the same but with a diet coke on the desk


Evelyn David said...

Hi Kaye,

Thanks so much for having us over today to share our good news with your readers! Say "hey," to Harley for Marian and I.

aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David

Lesa said...

Shouldn't that be say "hey" to Harley from Whiskey? I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. I'm glad things have changed in your lives, and you're moving ahead again. Good luck!

Lesa -

Evelyn David said...

Thanks Lesa! Whiskey is out today shopping for a new hat while Marian and I do the writing.

aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David

Hank Phillippi Ryan said...

Congratulations! And happy new-book-birth day.


Mare F said...

Outstanding news. I am looking forward to seeing Whiskey again.

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

That is terrific news! So glad to hear it.


Dru said...

Congratulations on your work with the new publisher and I can't wait to read Murder Drops the Ball next year. BTW, will all three books be available on the nook?

Evelyn David said...

Thanks to everyone for showing up. Your support means a lot!

Rhonda and Marian
aka Evelyn David

Evelyn David said...

Hi Dru -

Tony Burton is working hard to put the books into all known e-book formats. I'll double check with him about the Nook format!

Thanks for dropping by.

aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David

Evelyn David said...

Hi -

Marian here. Thanks again for having us, Kaye.

Just heard from Tony about availability of a Nook version. He said that both books (and the forthcoming one too!) are available for the Kindle and the i-Pad, i-Phone. You can purchase the "i-variations" directly from the Apple Store.
There's good news and bad news for the Nook version. The bad news is that Barnes and Noble has been slow in responding to Tony's request to upload the digital versions of the books for the Nook. The good news is that he will post both books in digital format for the Nook at his Digital Bookstore,

It will take about 10 days for it to be available, but he and we are delighted that our books can be read in lots of different ways!

Again, thanks for stopping by and for all the good wishes,
Marian, Rhonda...and of course, Whiskey

Evelyn David said...

Update on Nook format: You know how when someone tells you they can have something done in a few days and you automatically double that timeframe so not to be disappointed? Marian and I are going to have to learn that with Tony Burton - we should cut the days to hours. He just let us know that both books are now available at The Digital Bookstore in ebook format suitable for Nook and other ebook readers.
To celebrate - the price is 15% off until the end of the month.

Thanks again Kaye for having us visit!

aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David

Anonymous said...

To those who wanted ePub versions of the books for their Nooks, Sony ereaders, and so on: I hustled really hard and just finished putting the ePub versions of both Murder Off the Books and Murder Takes the Cake onto The Digital Bookshop ( And as an added flourish, I've taken 15% off the regular retail through the end of the month!

But that's temporary, so don't want until August 1!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Well, I guess I just can't keep up with these ladies with announcements.

Thanks for hosting Evelyn David today, Kaye.

Mary Jane Maffini said...

What great news for both of you, Evelyn, and for all your readers too!

You delivered the news in true storyteller fashion, with pizazz and suspense. Looking forward to the new book. Hugs all round.


Charlotte Adams mysteries

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Hey There, everyone! What a fun post! Good to see everyone here.

I want to wish Marian and Rhonda and Whiskey and Tony all the luck in the world - it sounds like a great opportunity for everyone involved.

And many thanks to Evelyn David for being here again. ALWAYS a pleasure! and an honor to be the spot chosen for the sharing of your news.

HUGE hugs!