Thursday, December 2, 2010

Next Year - Updated - Again

I don't want to be rash and say this is the absolute final schedule for next year - But . . .   If it's not, it's darn close.  

This will be the most people I've ever had on the schedule and I hope I haven't gotten in over my head.  On the other hand . . .  I will be a retired person, so I should have more time to do this, right?!

I'll be sending all the participants an email in a week or two giving all the particulars about what we do and how we do it.  Those of you who have been doing this now for a couple years will know what to expect - this will mostly be a note for the new kids on the block.

In 2010 we did the "office space pictures," which everyone seemed to have fun with.    I plan on doing a compilation piece with all of them pretty soon.

Any ideas for something similar that would be fun  to do in 2011?
Let me hear from you, please, if you have something in mind.

Again - my thanks to all of you for agreeing to play with us here at Meanderings and Muses.

You've made it what it is, and I am proud as punch with it all.

Hugs to you all!

(the below post is just a repost - you may have already seen it, but the schedule has had quite a few updates)

When I started sending out emails asking for guest bloggers for next year, on a whim, I decided to include a few authors who manage to send me right into major "Fan Girl" mode with their work. I didn't really expect an email back from some, and I for sure didn't expect too many to say "yes."  I was just indulging in a little wishing and hoping.


That I not only heard back from so many of you, but heard a whole bunch of you say "yes," has made me a very happy gal. You have managed, yet again, to blow my sockies off with your generosity and graciousness.

Thank you.

During the past couple of years, we've talked about everything under the sun - some of the posts have been quite touching, some laugh out loud funny, along with some that were strictly business. We've talked about day lilies and iPads, sock monkeys and crime fiction, shared some memories and helped promote some books. I'm over the moon happy that we're going to be doing that again for at least one more year.

Mostly, though I'm happy that we've become a place that's maybe a little unique and special where guests can rant, or share a giggle, and feel acceptance.

In keeping with all this - our lovely and surprising little mix of best selling authors, mid-list authors, well known and not so well known authors, writers hoping to be published, reviewers, librarians, bloggers and fans, along with our occasional poet - I am happy to announce the Meanderings and Muses 2011 Guest List -

January 6 - Craig Johnson
January 8 - Patty Andersen
January 10 - Debra Ginsberg
January 15 - Leslie Wheeler
January 17 - SJ Rozan
January 20 - Linda Fairstein
January 22 - Pattie Tierney
January 24 - Bobbi Mumm
January 27 - Karen Schindler
January 29 - Janet Rudolph
January 31 - Kelli Stanley

February 3 - Brad Parks
February 5 - Sara J. Henry
February 7 - Gerrie Ferris-Finger
February 10 - Patricia Stoltey
February 12 - Radine Trees Nehring
February 14 - Pat Browning
February 17 - Marilyn Meredith
February 19 - Julie Dolcemaschio
February 21 - Barbara Fister
February 24 - Alan Orloff
February 26 - JT Ellison
February 28 - Zoë Sharp

March 3 - Cara Black
March 5 - Andi Shechter
March 7 - Beth Groundwater
March 10 - Cornelia Read
March 12 - Mike Orenduff
March 19 - Coco Ihle
March 21 - Earl Staggs
March 24 - Tim Myers
March 26 - Sandra Ruttan
March 28 - Clea Simon
March 31 - Chester Campbell

April 7 - Rosemary Harris
April 9 - Kate Gallison
April 11 - Elizabeth Zelvin
April 18 - Carl Brookins
April 21 - Avery Aames
April 23 - Carolyn J. Rose
April 25 - Carola Dunn
April 28 - Deborah Crombie

May 2 - Dana Cameron
May 12 - Dean James
May 14 - Deni Dietz
May 16 - Robin Burcell
May 19 - Vicki Delany
May 26 - Beth Hoffman

June 2 - Kaye George
June 11 - April Smith
June 13 - Julie Hyzy
June 16 - Tim Hallinan
June 18 - Bill Cameron
June 20 - Suzanne Adair
June 30 - Marcus Sakey

July 7 - Megan Abbott
July 9 - Alafair Burke
July 11 - Thomas H. Cook
July 14 - Donna Andrews
July 16 - Mary V. Welk
July 18 - Melinda Wells
July 21 - Cleo Coyle
July 25 - Sarah Shaber

August 1 - Bill Crider
August 4 - Julia Buckley
August 6 - Gary Corby
August 8 - Nikki Strandskov
August 11 - Jen Forbus
August 13 - Neil Plakcy
August 15 - Michael Wiley
August 18 - Cathy Carper
August 22 - Robert Fate
August 25 - Margaret Maron
August 27 - Chris Grabenstein
August 29 - Leighton Gage

September 1 - Sandra Parshall
September 5 - Bronson L. Parker
September 8 - Jenny Milchman
September 10 - Kenneth R. Lewis
September 12 - Christine Taylor
September 22 - Hilary Davidson
September 24 - L. J. Roberts
September 29 - Ashley McConnell

October 1 - Nancy Means Wright
October 3 - Michael Alatorre
October 6 - Bruce Cook
October 8 - L.J. Sellers
October 10 - Jonathan Quist
October 13 - Deborah Sharp
October 17 - Krista Davis
October 20 - Jenn McKinlay
October 24 - Vicki Lane
October 22 - Gina Gilmore
October 27 - Louise Penny
October 31 - Mark Coggins

November 3 - Andrew Grant
November 7 - Tasha Alexander
November 10 - Jeff Cohen
November 12 - Meredith Cole
November 14 - Peg Brantley
November 17 - Maggie Barbieri
November 19 - Roberta Isleib
November 21 - Larry Karp
November 28 - Ellery Adams

December 1 - Sharon Wildwind
December 3 - Wendy Bartlett
December 5 - Robin Minnick
December 8 - Gillian Roberts
December 15 - Molly Weston
December 19 - Twist Phelan
December 22 - Lou Allin
December 29 - Shane Gericke

Thank you!


Vicki Lane said...

Wow! What a lineup! M and M is obviously THE place to be! Way to go, Kaye!

Debra said...

With that lineup, I will be progressing from regular reader to M&M fangirl!


Anonymous said...

That is SOME line up Kaye! Bravo for you -- can't wait to visit in February.

Beth Hoffman said...

I'm tickled to be in this great lineup. Thanks so much, Kaye!

Deborah Sharp said...

Hi, an author who falls somewhere between ''not so well known'' and ''mid-list,'' I'm thrilled with the company I'll keep as one of your guest bloggers (Oct. 13!)
Thanks for inviting me.

Sylvia Dickey Smith said...

Great cast of characters! If someone has to cancel, throw my name into that sweet-smelling pot!

Sylvia Dickey Smith

Earl Staggs said...

Boy howdy, it's like a Who's Who of the writing world. I feel like a sardine swimming with dolphins, but I'm over the moon that I made the cut. ;-)

Earl (the writer, not the hurricane)

Jen Forbus said...

Great line-up Kaye! It's that magnetic personality of yours that just pull everyone to you! :-)

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Hi, Guys - Isn't this fun?! And (apparently) the list isn't complete yet. I've added a few names since I posted the original, and have a few more to add once they've been confirmed.

Thank you to all of you who have agreed to participate.

To those of you whose time I've imposed on for the past couple of years. I hope it's still a fun thing for you to be dong.

To those of you who will be participating for the first time - Thank you! very much. And, have fun with it. That's my only rule.

An M&M fangirl! HA! Now that just makes my day!!!!!! Thank you, Debra.

Jen, my friend - I am so glad you'll be participating again and you made me hoot. "Magnetic personality" around this house is also known as "a wee bit of a nag." LOL!!!!


Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Sylvia! If the first invite didn't arrive in your mailbox, that is my bad! I've sent another and I am so sorry, my friend!!!! Do come play again, please!

Marcia said...

What a wonderful lineup, Kaye. I'm a frequent visitor to your blog (thanks to your link on DotL)and appreciate so very much what I've leared about mysteries, books, and authors--and more than a little bit of life, too--here.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Marcia, you have touched my heart. Thank you. It is a pretty special line-up, isn't it?! Should be fun. It's comments like yours that has made this line-up possible, you know.

Bobbi Mumm said...

I'm excited, Kaye! Thanks so much for the opportunity. Yippee!

jenny milchman said...

Woo hoo, what a list! I mean, my goodness! I know everyone is honored to appear on M&M, but still...wowza!!

I am low gal on the totel pole--OK, let's be honest, I'm not *on* the totem pole yet--and truly thrilled.

Not just to be included but to get to read every single one of those posts...

Great work, as always, Kaye!

Judy Bobalik said...

Fabulous lineup. I can't wait.