Friday, January 7, 2011

Harley Likes the Snow

Okeey doke - here are the latest snow pictures - Enjoy!
and keep checking back - I'm sure Harley and I will be taking more walks as this weekend goes on.  

Right now though, the forecast is still for the "big" snow to come on Monday.  (Personally - this which we have right now is just fine fine fine, thank you very much).

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This was taken this afternoon.  Now, several hours later, there are several more inches of snow.

Harley thinks it's grand.

Tomorrow we'll take some more pictures 'cause if there's one thing Harley Doodle Barley likes almost as much as the snow, it's having his picture taken.

Check back!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Harley is gorgeous. Chloe Corgi sends her love. :)

We're not getting the snow here tonight, but Monday looks like a snow fest! I'll have to take some Chloe pics. :)

Mason Canyon said...

Wonderful photo. I agree with Elizabeth, Harley is gorgeous. The snow is coming our way too. Looking forward to more photos from Harley.

Thoughts in Progress

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

They keep telling us Monday is going to be the day of the "big" snow here too. This one is looking pretty dern big to me right about now, truth be told. Elizabeth - DO, please, take some Chloe pics!! She is just adorable. Tell her Harley sends his love.

Thanks, Mason!! I thought you might be expecting snow also. The south is getting more than its share this year. Lucky we have a few books on hand to read, huh?! LOL!!!

Vickie said...

That is one happy pup!

Lesa said...


I just love those Harley pictures! Keep them coming. And, if you have that "big snow," you should have photography opportunities. You really have had your share this year!

LJ Roberts said...

I love the pictures of Harley in the snow. They not only make me smile but somehow have such a welcoming feel about them. But that's something you project as well. Even though we've never met, you make us welcome. You're a special personal, Kaye Barley.

Jill said...

That Harley has the cutest behind that I have ever seen.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Vickie - He is a happy little guy, isn't he? He always manages to make us laugh.

Lesa - Cross your fingers we don't get any more snow - this has been plenty!! But - if we do, I guess I have to take some more pictures. LOL!

Oh, LJ. Thank you. You've made me get a little teary. I appreciate your kindness and sweet words more than you know.

Jill - HA!!!!!! He DOES, doesn't he?! And that makes us laugh a lot too.

Patty said...

The 2nd photo is calendar worthy! That is an excellent shot!