Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Donald Scott Honey !

Today is my Donald's birthday.

My adorable, sweet, smart, handsome, funny, husband.

The man who, after almost 25 years of marriage, can still make me laugh till I fall out of my chair, and then have to go re-do my make-up 'cause I've laughed so hard I've cried it all off.  And who still gives me a thrill when I see him walking down the hill.

Happy Birthday, Honey!


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone - Sending you some hugs and virtual Valentine Goodies  -  Enjoy!


Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Happy Birthday, Donald! You don't look a day over 21!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday Donald. Hope you have many, many more. And Happy Valentine's day to you and Kaye.

Jill said...

Beautiful day for a birthday! Hope you have a great day and I hope you get a nice big chocolate cake.

Mason Canyon said...

Happy Birthday Donald and wishing you many, many more.

Hope you both have a wonderful and Happy Valentine's Day too.

Thoughts in Progress

Vicki Lane said...

Let the good times roll! Happy Birthday, Donald and a Happy Valentine's Day to you both!

mybillcrider said...

Happy birthday, Donald!

le0pard13 said...

Happiest of Birthdays, Donald. You two are quite a pair.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Donald, and many more, and hooray for those Valentine goodies. I'll take a few of the chocolate-strawberry yummies, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody. Its been a good day.


Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Hey Everyone!!!

It has been a good day.

We've both eaten too many chocolate covered strawberries, but oh golly they're tasty!!

Thanks for stopping by with all your good wishes for Donald

and a

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!