Thursday, June 23, 2011

What We Did On Our Summer Vacation

Anyone who knows me, knows of my deep love for the small town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland that holds my heart.  It's where I was born and raised.

Here are a few random shots with more to come over the next few days -  along with a story to go with them.  

Drop back every few days for new pictures and once my heart gets back where it should be rather than up in my throat where it makes me too choked up to even write about it, let alone talk about it, I'll have lots to share.

Donald, Harley and R.T.  -  I've known R.T. since the cradle; his wife Pam is with us too, but for some reason - no one seemed to have thought about getting a photo of the two of us - hmmmmm - but tomorrow, maybe . . .  I haven't known Pam quite as long; only since 8th grade. 

Y'all would love Danny Doughty and his gallery - see more here -

And I promise you would also love The Cambridge Hyatt.  What a lot of the staff there doesn't know is what that exact same spot was when I was growing up.  It was The Eastern Shore of Maryland State Hospital for the Insane opening in 1915.  Instead of the gorgeous hotel with beautiful landscaping and wonderful sculptures all over the grounds, there were several huge red brick gothic style buildings. 

After federal funding for these types of facilities was stopped in the early 1970's, several of the hospital buildings were closed, but a few remained open to AIDS patients.  Eventually the hospital was closed permanently and the buildings sat empty for awhile.  Hyatt bought the 351 acre property, knocked down the buildings and brought it back to life as a resort hotel - bringing with it a huge boost to the Cambridge economy.

THE best Mac & Cheese on God's green earth.  For real.

Michener fell under the spell of the Eastern Shore also

Those of you who have heard me talk about "my bridge?" (aka The Choptank River Bridge) This is it, AND it's the view out our hotel room sliding glass door.  Talk about a few tears.

WHAT a shot!

We thought this was the perfect ending to a perfect day . . .

until we looked out the window

Life is Good


Joelle Charbonneau said...

The photos make me smile because I can tell how much you love being there. I can't wait to see the rest of your trip!

Jill said...

Looks like fun!!! Other than the wind..nothing is stirring here.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What a beautiful place! And I can tell Harley is having as much fun and y'all are!

Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Wow, what great pics. Sure brought Cambridge much closer. And you stayed at that fantastic hotel. Tell me though, did you feel the presence of any ghosts?


Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Wow, what great pics. Sure brought Cambridge much closer. And you stayed at that fantastic hotel. Tell me though, did you feel the presence of any ghosts?
