Sunday, September 11, 2011

Louise Penny's A Trick of the Light Give-Away

 Okeey doke - a name has been chosen from The Magical Willie Nelson Baseball Cap.

And the winner is . . . . 

Bobbie ! ! !

Congratulations!  I know you'll enjoy "A Trick of the Light," and I hope you'll come back and tell us all about it.


I spotted this little tid-bit at Louise Penny's website:

Kaye Barley, at Meanderings and Muses and Dorothy L. -
I keep using the word "stunning" for Ms. Penny's work time and time again. And I keep saying "this one is the best one yet." Big sigh.
A Trick of the Light is STUNNING and yes, it is the best one yet. HOW does she keep doing this? And continually top her own work?.... As far as what happens in Three Pines - suffice to say, A LOT! Some things many of us have been waiting for, a few things that will make you laugh out loud, some things that will break your heart and move you to tears along with a few surprise twists. You know - all those things that Louise Penny just keeps doing with such apparent ease.

Did I squeal when I saw this?!  Well, pfffttt - yeah!  I'm honored to have my name and opinion included here along with  Kirkus, Publisher's Weekly, Library Journal and others, - all of whom give A TRICK OF THE LIGHT excellent and outstanding reviews.

I've been in love with, and talking about, Louise Penny's work since I read STILL LIFE.  I was so excited and impatient to read the second Three Pines novel that I ordered DEAD COLD from Canada rather than waiting for the US edition (released under a different name) - A FATAL GRACE.   I was tickled pink when the US and Canadian editions started being released at the same time, needless to say.

I've always found the crime fiction/mystery community to be welcoming and generous, and Louise Penny is one of the jewels in the crown.  Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting her will tell you - she is every bit as delightful as her novels.

She sits surrounded by a gracious plenty of women of mystery, writers AND fans, I've come to love, but who I am not going to try to name here 'cause I always, ALWAYS leave out a name when I try to do that.  They all, however, know who they are. 

I consider myself a lucky woman in many ways and I count my blessings often.    The friends I've made in the mystery world are among the blessings.  But.  I have come to know that the luck we're blessed with can go flying out the window very quickly.  Leaving us surprised and devastated and our lives changed forever. 


I choose to celebrate life quietly and privately most days, saying an occasional silent "thank you."

And every once in awhile I have an opportunity to "pay it forward."  To share some of the gifts the community shares with me - both tangible and intangible. 

This week it's tangible.

I'd like to share A TRICK OF THE LIGHT with one of you.  I have a brand spanking sparkly new copy and it's yours if you'll leave a comment here WITH your email address (that's important), and IF your name is chosen by a random number generator.  (Actually, I'm going to write down your names and ask Donald to draw one out of my Willie Nelson baseball cap).

The only thing you have to do is leave a comment telling me about something in your life you count as a blessing.  Just one.  It can be a person, a pet, a place, an occasion, your favorite candy or your favorite book.  Whatever.  Just one happy blessing.  What do YOU celebrate in your life?

I'll announce the winning name Sunday, September 11th, so check back, please!


Peg Brantley said...

Okay. I've been hearing about Louise Penny since I took a workshop by Chris Roerden. It's like when you learn a new word, and suddenly it's everywhere you look.

But it's always one thing and then another and I haven't read one of her books.

Your blog is one more kick in my rear-end to finally get a move on!

Thanks, Kaye!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaye! I'd love to win Louise Penny's latest.

Theresa de Valence

(email on DL)

Allene said...

I have so many 'blessings' in my life that it's hard to choose just one, but I think I'm going to nominate my African grey parrot, Arrow, for this honor. Of all the 'things' I have around me he's the most honest and endearing. Yesterday, I woke early and sat up in bed. Arrow's cage was nearby and when I looked at him he said, "Oh my word" and clicked his beak. Now you can't get more honest than that!
I love Louise Penny's work and would treasure a copy of her new book A Trick of Light.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Peg - I think you'll love her work. You, of all people, I think, will appreciate it. Let me know!! (i do recommend reading them in order).

Theresa - You need to tell me a blessing to be included in the drawing!!

Oh Allene - Arrow sounds a hoot! I would love him too. I am fascinated by those smart birds!!!! Thanks for stopping by, your name will go into the Willie Nelson baseball cap.

Kari Wainwright said...

Well, my blessing, Oscar Wilde, the Shih Tzu, can't top the honest bird, Arrow. But he's ALWAYS so happy to see me when I've been absent for a while, that he literally can't wait to leap into my lap. Nobody makes me feel more important.

And since I know two people who lost their beloved dogs in the past couple of weeks, I especially cherish Oscar right now.

gkw9000 at gmail dot com

Sam said...

Hoping not to sound too smarmy, Kaye, I think the greatest recent blessing in my life has been helping my daughter escape a dreadfully abusive marriage she was stuck in. She could not afford to leave - but I could afford to help her and, one year later, I still feel good about that.

I've only read one of Penny's books and would be thrilled to double that number. :-)

Bobbie said...

Kaye, your column and your joy in life and reading, all are blessings. Louise Penny is a joy, met her once at a convention, and had already been a huge fan before that, have read all her books but this one, so naturally have to try and win it, ha. But to list only one, in my personal life, it's true and unadulterated happy love to me and my dear husband, from our wonderful dog Buddy. He makes us smile all the time--what a blessing.
email is rudd_bobbie at gmail dot com

Caroline Clemmons said...

I have been hearing about Louise Penny since I've been on DorothyL, but haven't read her books yet. You have a lovely blogsite. One ting for which I give blessings is my husband. He is a true partner and so encouraging and caring.

Donna Fletcher Crow said...

Kaye, what a beautiful post! Oh, so surrounded by blessings, how to choose just one? Just now I'll give thanks for my family heritage and for the privilege of passing it on to our children. (Or is that 2?)
I adore Louise Penny--as a writer and as a person--so thank you for this opportunity!

Beth Anderson said...

Oh, I have so many blessings it's hard to pick one, but I have to say Sarge the Wonder Cat because she loves me no matter what I'm wearing or doing or feeding her. She really is my biggest fan and I'm very blessed to have her. Also even being able to even be included in a drawing for one of Louise Penny's books is a blessing; if not for me, for someone else. One question though, Kaye. Where did you find the Willie Nelson baseball cap?

nancy said...

A blessing for me this year is that I get to go to Bouchercon--but you and Louise Penny won't be there!
But since you recommended him on Dorothy L I have read all of Craig Johnson except the newest, which I bought for signing--and he'll be there, so I guess that's another blessing.
thanks for your blog and your recommendations.


Mason Canyon said...

Congrats Kaye on having your review included. It was a great review and A TRICK OF LIGHT is a wonderful book. I cheated by listening to it and loved every minute. Can't wait till the next installment.

Thoughts in Progress
Freelance Editing By Mason

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Hi, Kari - Oscar Wilde is a great name!! i just love that.

Bobbie, your Buddy sounds as though his name fits him to a "T."

Beth, I love the pictures I've seen of your Sarge and I love how she got her name (clever woman).

Our pets truly are blessings, aren't they?

I can't imagine living without a fur baby underfoot.

OH! In answer to Beth's question about how my Willie Nelson baseball cap. I am such a fool for Willie. I can't even begin to remember how times I've seen him in concert. I got this little cap when he was in Boone with "Asleep at the Wheel" a couple years ago. I should have picked up more to give as Birthday gifts to gal pals!!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Sam, I think you're a true hero.

I know your daughter is thankful for having you and I think you deserve to feel proud of what you were able to do for her for the rest of your life.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Caroline, DO try the books! And I hope you'll let me know what you think. (I really do think they're better appreciated if read in order. Louise Penny is a master at character development, I think).

And thank you for the kind words about Meanderings and Muses. They are very much appreciated.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Donna, An abundance of blessings is such a great thing, and deserves to be shouted about.

And I appreciate you dropping by. Thanks for the sweet words.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Nancy - I am SO bummed about not being able to get to Bouchercon this year! It's always a great con, and this one sounds as though it is shaping up beautifully. Have fun and if you get a picture of you and Craig Johnson, I hope you'll share it with me. (You could end up wearing his hat, you know).

I've already made my reservations to go to Malice next April; it'll be my first time at that convention and I'm looking forward to it.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Mason, Hey There! I'm with you! Already tapping my toe wanting the next book!!!!! LOL! Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

My latest blessing are two new kittens which are bringing much joy and laughter....along with a sense of responsiblity now for 'my furry children'.
Kaye, I feel actually like you do about Louise Penny. Every book I have eagerly awaited and then, at the end, (heavy sigh) how long do I have to wait to the next one? !! She has created an amazing series. (BJ)

Jane Wilson said...

My dog Buster is my biggest blessing--now that his sister Roxy died in May of a rare canine blood disease, there is only one doc to love at our house.
Hope so much to win the latest Three Pines book--Penny is my current favorite author, and that's saying a lot!
find me at janerafal@ntelosdotnet

Gail hueting said...

My blessing: having been able to retire and still have enough money for the things I need.

Of course I have been reading a lot of mysteries this summer. and I'll be at Bouchercon next week.

I am really looking forward to reading A Trick of the Light. Too bad Louise won't be at Bcon.


Susan said...

My family of two sons, their wives, and five grandchildren is my blessing.

Anonymous said...

My blessing would be all the lovely blogs like yours that introduce me to new authors to try. Louise Penny's books just keep getting better and I'm looking forward to reading The Trick of the Light.


Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Y'all - my friend Lesa has a wonderful write up about Louise Penny at her blog - take a peek! You'll love it.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Moondancer, Hi! It IS an amazing series, isn't it? And if you'll scoot over to Lesa's blog - -
you'll be able to read a little about what Louise has planned for the next two books in the series. Exciting stuff!!

Hi, Jane - I'm so sorry to hear about Roxy. I know you and Buster both miss her terribly. Our pets steal a huge piece of our hearts, don't they?

Gail, Hey!!!! Congratulations on your retirement, are you loving it?!

Susan, thank you for stopping by. Sounds as though you have indeed been blessed with a lovely family.

Shirley - I'm so glad you're enjoying Meanderings and Muses. thank you! And you are going to love love love this latest Louise Penny! Promise!

Hugs, everyone.

Vickie said...

My blessing each and every day is my 8 year old daughter, who I call Lady K. She makes me nuts, makes me laugh, makes me see the world through her eyes.

VWinship at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My husband and our cat, Wilde Oscar, are my biggest two blessings!

Kaye, I'll send you my e-mail address.


LA said...

Blessing? Reading.

Lesa said...


I'm not entering the contest, but Louise herself in my life is a blessing. I guess I should just say good friends, and that includes you.

Did you hear A Trick of the Light is #4 this week on the NYTimes bestseller list? Yay, Louise! And, yay to all of us who bought copies! (Yes, I did buy a copy even though I had an ARC.)

Judy Hogan said...

Kaye, I also love Louise Penny, and I discovered her by accident in my library, April is the Cruelest month. Then I met her at Malice, where that book, in 2009, won the Agatha for best mystery of the year 2008.
My blessings are many, but I'm mention that, at age 74, I continue to be healthy. My mind can still write mysteries, poems, diary, and my body can still mow, weedeat, dig, harvest,and I love my life, and hope to live to 100. Judy Hogan

Judy Hogan said...

Kaye, I also love Louise Penny's books, my favorites of all mystery writers publishing now. I found April is the cruelest month in my little library, then met Penny at Malice in 2009, where she won an Agatha for that book. I also have many blessings, but my continuing good health of mind and body I'm especially grateful for. I'm 74 and hope to continue to write and farm, publishing mysteries soon, as well as poems and non-fiction books until I'm 100. Judy Hogan,

ClaudiaJ said...

I consider it a blessing to be living in Killarney, Ireland where I moved (from Oregon) three years ago. (mail goes to US)

Anonymous said...

Any Penny book has got to be good.

boots9k at wowway dot com

Charlotte said...

I have read all of Louise Penny's books and they have been a great blessing to me. I would love to win the book you are giving away on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I found Louise P's books thanks to the same dear writer friend who introduced me to this blog. Magical, all.

My blessing: my three mostly grown children and the time we have had together homeschooling.

Brenda Buchanan said...

It was a blessing to see Louise Penny herself right in my neck of the woods last week. She was Kennebunk, Maine as part of her A Trick of the Light book tour. Louise is, as you say, a remarkable woman. Intelligent, funny, insightful, funny, warm and funny. Simply brilliant.

I bought A Trick of the Light that night (actually, my partner did, and gave it to me, another blessing) so I don't need to be entered into the giveaway, which you are so generous to do.

Brenda Buchanan

Bobbie said...

Dear Kaye, THANK YOU!!!
I met Louise Penny at a very small mystery conference that is held in Muncie Indiana, a few years ago. She's charming, kind, smart, the whole nine yards. I'd been a fan of hers well before that, and still am. So this is a real true joy, to win her book!

And by the way, I'm (and husband too) a huge fan of Willie Nelson, have seen him perform several times at our state fair years ago, loved him for many years before that, still do. He's one of a kind. And his hat helped me win! :-) And so did our dear sweet dog Buddy, who I listed as my blessing. See, blessings can bring rewards--and Buddy rewards us every day with his personality and spirit. Your dog is lovely too, Kaye.

This is the first time I've ever won a book, so there is a very happy woman in the cornfields of Illinois! :-) Again, many thanks.