Friday, January 13, 2012

A Snowy Day in Boone

A snowy day, indeed.

And I'm enjoying it from inside the house.

This picture is one I took from our sunroom where I'm all nestled.  It's sort of like being inside a snowglobe.

Harley and Donald are enjoying some outdoor romps, but I'm perfectly content sitting right here under a quiltie with a mug of hot chocolate with teeny little marshmallows, thank you very much.


le0pard13 said...

Serene image, Kaye.

Anonymous said...

So pretty! And I hear you on the quilt, the hot chocolate and, of course, the marshmallows!

Mason Canyon said...

Beautiful photo. I have to say though, I'm glad you got the snow instead of us. :)

Thoughts in Progress

bo parker said...

Great picture. Perfect way to see the snow. Is that a Frank Lloyd Wright reproduction?