Tuesday, January 24, 2012

That little home project . . . . Part 1


You know we're working on a little home project.

Converting the little guest room into a little home library.

Some of you asked for before and after pictures.

I'm an idiot!

I love before and after pictures and can't believe I didn't think to do this all on my own!

I was sure I had pictures of the guest room, and I know I must since I take pictures all the time - of anything - of everything!  But I'm not able to come up with one.

So we'll start an "IN PROGRESS" blog about the library with some pictures I took today (I have a love/hate relationship with the timer on my camera).

The bed is down and now lives in our storage building.

All the stuff that was stored under the bed is now scattered here there and yonder with final resting place(s) yet to be determined.  (It was all under the bed for a reason, you see).

The bookcases we ordered have been delivered and are still packaged and cluttering up another room.

So far, I've put primer on the walls, and I've painted the ceiling.

Today is "Paint The Walls" day - Hooray!!

And pretty soon (Hooray!), we'll put the bookcases together (well, that would be Donald), and arrange them in the new little library (Whoopee!!!!!!).

And then, we'll start taking all the books off all the shelves and bookcases throughout the house (that would be me), DUSTING them, sorting them, and putting them back on shelves and bookcases throughout the house (because the little library isn't going to hold all of them) alphabetically rather than the oh so haphazardly manner in which they're now shelved.  (My librarian friends would die).

And I'm excited!   'Cause then I get to decorate the room, which is something I love to do.

It's going to be wonderful and I am going to adore it!

More later, but right now I have to get back to my painting.  This project is interfering badly with my time at the gym!!!  And my reading time!  And my writing time!  EEK!

Don't be messin' with a woman on a mission!


Bobbi Mumm said...

You look great in the photos. And tough in the one. I love how we always do these jobs in our husbands' shirts. So are the books alphabetical by title or author?

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

HaHaHa! I DO look tough, don't I?! LOL!!!!

And I think our husband's clothes are one of the reasons we get married.

Bobbi, I think I'm going to first sort the books into "Fiction" and "Non."

Then, alphabetically by author's last name.

But - I'm open to suggestions . . . .

Jill said...

When you are finished...just come up the road. I have some Smudge damage that needs paint. Ha ha..Lookin good!!!

Kaye said...

Can't wait to see the end result!