Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Back! Hooray!

I've been at the Malice Domestic convention for a few days (write-up and lots pictures coming soon!), so I am way behind in posting my photos for the April Photo A Day Challenge.


Here they are!

Day 27 - "Somewhere You Went"

I went to Boone Drugs in Downtown Boone, North Carolina

Day 28 Topic was 1:00 p.m. which I seemed to have missed completely.

Day 29 - "Circle"

This is a picture Donald took in our carport -

Day 30 - "Something That Makes You Sad"

The destruction of our gorgeous mountains in order to put up another cheap strip mall, cheap condominiums, or to widen a beautiful winding mountain road.


Sam said...

What a cool looking pharmacy that is...love the whole look, but especially the floors.

I know what you mean about destroying trees and such for strip malls and apartments. My north Houston suburb has been largely ruined by the same thing over the past four years or so.

Phyllis said...

I can't wait to hear your take on Malice, including your train trip, and see your photos. You are showing up in other people's Malice photos.

Phyllis in Champaign