Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Malice Domestic

I'm sure most of you have heard by now, but "just" in case you missed it - here's a list of the 2011 Agatha Award Winners:

Best Novel:
Three-Day Town by Margaret Maron (Grand Central Publishing)

Best First Novel:
Learning to Swim by Sara J. Henry (Crown)

Best Non-fiction:
Books, Crooks and Counselors: How to Write Accurately About Criminal Law and Courtroom Procedure by Leslie Budewitz (Linden)

Best Short Story:
"Disarming" by Dana Cameron, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine - June 2011

Best Children's/Young Adult:
The Black Heart Crypt by Chris Grabenstein (Random House)

Best Historical Novel:
Naughty in Nice by Rhys Bowen (Berkley)

It was a thrill for me to be sitting at the awards banquet when the Agatha teapots were handed out to the winners.

This was my first Malice Domestic convention, and I had a wonderful time.  The people who put this convention on deserve a round of applause along with a chorus of "Thank You's."

If this is a mystery convention you've missed, let me encourage you to attend.  The dates of next year's con, along with the Guests of Honor, are already posted at the Malice Domestic website.  Another terrific line-up!

Since I really hate the whole flying thing these days, I decided to ride up on  Amtrak.  It's the first time I've been on a train since I was at Brandywine College.

Donald and Harley took me to High Point where I boarded. 

Harley Doodle Barley

The conductors were delightful and accommodating, which I found to be quite refreshing.

When we pulled into Raleigh, I was joined by Margaret and Joe Maron, and Bren Bonner joined us a couple stops down the line.

Bren Bonner Witchger and Margaret Maron

Kaye Barley and Joe Maron

We started running into folks almost the second we walked in the door of the hotel.  Including Dorothy Cannell and Malice Guest of Honor, Jan Burke.

Dorothy Cannell, Jan Burke, Margaret Maron and Bren Bonner Witchger

And I couldn't wait to hit the dealer's room!

Kaye Barley and Margaret Maron

In case you don't recognize the fella behind Margaret, that's Don Longmuir who owns the wonderful Scene of the Crime Books.  It was at his booth I was lucky enough to find a hard back, first edition of Barbara Michaels' "Ammie,Come Home."  Was I excited?!  Pfft!  I guess!  I had brought my much loved, many times read, beat up, rag tag paperback copy with me for her to sign.  I was thrilled to have this copy instead. 

I always love the dealer's rooms at the mystery conventions.  I always think they're great, and I always seem to give everyone in there a good bit of my money.

I also got to visit with Kathy Harig from Mystery Loves Company in Oxford, MD (one of the most special small towns on God's green earth - for real).

And I came home with not only something for myself from Mona Betz's Frozen Light, but something for my mom too.

And - - - you never know who you're gonna bump into in the dealer's room, which is always fun.

Jan Burke and Kaye Barley

Friday morning I got to see Toastmaster Dana Cameron interviewed by Hank Phillippi Ryan.

Hank Phillippi Ryan and Dana Cameron

and the honored guests (Dana Cameron, Lee Goldberg, Simon Brett, and Jan Burke) chatting with Malice Chair, Verena Rose about some of the fan mail they receive.

Dana Cameron, Lee Goldbery, Verena Rose (Malice Chair), Simon Brett and Jan Burke

Later that day, I sat in on the Best Novel Nominees panel.   The nominees were:  Margaret Maron, G.M. Malliet, Krista Davis and Donna Andrews.  I'm going to confess to squeaking out loud when Krista mentioned Meanderings and Muses.  wow.  How sweet was that?!

Margaret Maron, G.M. Malliet, (moderator ??), Krista Davis, and Donna Andrews

The evening was capped off with Opening Ceremonies, a Charity Auction, a Welcome Reception and dessert.

Saturday there were, of course, more terrific panels, a lot of milling around visiting with friends, time in the dealer's room, and getting books signed.  A very full, very fun day.

One of the panels I sat in on was one moderated by my friend MollyWeston (recent Edgar Raven Award winner - Yay!!!!).  Panelists were:  Claudia Bishop (who scooted out before we could get her in the picture), Hank Phillippi Ryan, Sophie Littlefield, Elaine Viets, and Sarah Shaber.

Molly Weston, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Sophie Littlefield, Elaine Viets, Sarah Shaber

The afternoon was spent visiting, getting books signed, AND taking pictures, of course!-

Dana Cameron, Dorothy Cannell and Charlaine Harris, standing

Avery Aames aka Darryl Wood Gerber and Barb Goffman

Lucy Burdette aka Roberta Isleib

Dean James aka Miranda James and Kaye Barley

Deborah Sharp and Joanna Campbell Slan

Charlaine Harris and Carolyn Hart

Deborah Sharp, Margaret Maron, Kaye Barley and Frankie Bailey

Doreen Weaton and Karen Kiley

Ellery Adams, Kaye Barley, and Hallie Ephron

Karen Kiley, Hank Phillippi Ryan and Kaye Barley

Christie Fifield and Kaye George

Lee Goldberg and Chris Grabenstein

Maryglenn McCombs and Kaye Barley

Kaye Barley and Liz Zelvin

Alan Orloff and Katherine Hall Page

Sara J. Henry and Ann Hillerman

Sarah Shaber and Kaye Barley

And then we gathered together to pay homage to the incredible Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels

Julian Cannell, Margaret Maron and Joe Maron

It was, without a shadow of a doubt, one of THE funniest skits I have ever witnessed.  Ms. Peters was joined by Joan Hess, Dorothy Cannell, Parnell Hall and Daniel Stashower (with a special appearance by Ammie from "Ammie, Come Home")

Elizabeth Peters aka Barbara Michaels aka Barbara Mertz

Joan Hess and Elizabeth Peters

Dorothy Cannell, Joan Hess and Elizabeth Peters

Joan Hess, Elizabeth Peters and Parnell Hall

Ammie from "Ammie, Come Home," Dorothy Cannell, Parnell Hall, Joan Hess, Elizabeth Peters and Daniel Stashower

Joan Hess and Elizabeth Peters

AND, I got to meet her.  Margaret Maron made the introduction,  and I proceeded to cry all over the gracious Ms. Peters (I wanted to die)

My thanks to Karen Kiley for this picture.   Margaret also took one.  The one Margaret took is a wonderful picture of Ms. Peters.  I, however, look like a lunatic.  Certainly not Margaret's fault - I just couldn't quit crying!!

Ms. Peters also agreed to sign books.

What a perfect day this was!

And it's not over yet!

Next comes the Agatha Banquet

I even bought a new frock for the banquet

I sat at Joyce and Jim Lavene's table.  Joyce and Jim are fellow North Carolinians and write both mystery and romance.  And they are both just delightful!

Joyce and Jim Lavene

People were all dressed up - and there were quite a few hats.

Vicki Delaney

If I'm able to attend next year, I'm wearing a hat!

seated - Sarah Shaber and Bren Bonner Witchger.  standing - Margaret Maron and Kaye Barley

Avery Aames aka Darryl Wood Gerber, Kaye Barley, Liz Zelvin and Krista Davis

Maryglenn McCombs and Con Lehane

Sarah Shaber and Bren Bonner Witchger

Maryglenn McCombs and Kaye Barley

And here's Margaret accepting her award for Best Novel - "Three-Day Town"

and a good time was had by all.

Sunday was a quieter day - some more signings, a few panels and saying a few good-byes.

Lillian Stewart Carl

Jeff Cohen and Mindy Starns Clark

Kaye Barley and Molly Weston

Next Stop - Union Station

Final Destination - - -


And as lovely as any trip is, there's no place quite like home.


Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Great photos. And you like the same kind of clothes I do. Thanks for sharing.

Julia Buckley said...

Love these pictures--thanks for letting me live vicariously. :)

Kaye George said...

Great pictures! I'm SO glad we got to meet, too. You done good with this post, Kaye.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post, Kaye. You worked hard getting all those great shots. I only recognized 2 or 3 of the unidentified people but it was fun to see them.People never look the way you pictured them anyway. But you, my dear Mrs. Barley, look gorgeous in all the shots! I love your banquet dress!

Pat Browning

Lesa said...

I'm with Pat. I didn't recognize most of the unidentified people, although I know Vicki Delany & Avery Aames. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time, Kaye. Lots of tears, all of them heartfelt. Hugs, Kaye!

Alan Orloff said...

Wonderful pictures! It was so great finally meeting you in person! What a terrific convention! (Okay, three exclamation points is my limit.)

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Thanks, everyone for stopping by.

Pat Browning, you are too sweet - thank you!

Kaye, it was fun to finally meet, wasn't it? It didn't feel like it was the first time though, 'cause we've talked and visited for so long.

Julia, we will get together at one of these things one of these days!

Marilyn, long flowy tops are comfy as all get out and as I get older, it's all about the comfort. LOL!

Lesa, you would have loved it. I missed you!

It was a fun event and the organizers did a terrific job.

I do intend to go through and identify everyone, but I just ran out of steam. So check back later today or this evening.

cathy said...

Loved seeing these photos, Kaye! Looks like you were having the time of your life... that's great!

jenny milchman said...

Great photos of a great event! I missed the mummy! Union Station is beautiful, too. You could set quite a tale there...

Peg Brantley said...

Fabulous photos. I can almost pretend I was there. Thanks, Kaye!

Lillian Stewart Carl said...

It was great getting to meet you at last, Kaye! Thank you so much for all the lovely photos. I think we can safely say, a great time was had by all!

Anonymous said...

Kaye, thank you for sharing all those wonderful writers with us - I felt I was right there! You are a unique dear person! Thelma Straw

Janet Rudolph said...

thanks for all these beautiful photos and comments. Almost like being there...almost. Next year. So glad you had so much fun and shared with us.

Unknown said...

Great post, and with all the photos, it was like being there.

Phyllis said...


Lovely photos and commentary. Your enthusiasm is contagious! And I am so pleased that Margaret Maron won the Agatha and you were there to witness it.

Phyllis in Champaign

Gigi Pandian said...

Wow, thanks for posting all these wonderful photos! I was at Malice as well, so I'm sorry our paths didn't cross this year--definitely next year!

The long weekend went by so quickly, I'm already looking forward to next year. Your photos have inspired me to remember to stop and take more photos so I can remember all the great people and moments.

Linda Hall said...

What wonderful photos! I've never been to some other mystery cons, but never to Malice. It looks like so much fun. I'm going to definitely put it on my list!

Earl Staggs said...

Kaye, great report and great pix!

I envy you for getting to attend a great conference and spend time with all those wonderful people.

I also envy them for getting to spend time with you in person.