Monday, September 3, 2012

"Oh, Kaye!" and Eloise!


Yesterday was my day at Jungle Red and I chatted about Eloise and her wonderful creator, Kay Thompson. ( ).

And many of you stopped by - Thank You!!!!

I had the best time doing that piece, and then the cherry on top was having Sam Irvin drop by. 

That was a definite "WOW!"

Especially because I bought his book while I was working on this piece.

I have loved Eloise since I was a little girl.  It's only since I've "grown up" that I've become interested in Kay Thompson.  The more I read about her, the more I want to know.  I had been disappointed in my efforts.  There's just not a lot of information out there about her.  And what I did find seemed to be just tantalizing bits that had me wanting more. 

It was a surprise for me to find that a biography had been written, and I somehow missed hearing about it.

I ordered it immediately but haven't read it yet. 

I knew if I read it I'd have even more I'd want to say in my Jungle Red piece and it was already longer than it should have been. 

But now it's at the top of my "To Be Read" pile.

I was also surprised to learn there are a few people who haven't yet discovered my friend Eloise.  I'm happy to be the one to introduce her to them.

And you know - I'm a little jealous.  Oh, how lovely to be reading Eloise for the very first time.  oh my.

1 comment:

Sam Irvin said...

Thanks for the plug, Kaye! I can't wait to hear what you think of my book once you've had a chance to read it. ENJOY!

Think Pink!
Sam Irvin