Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm Having a Give-Away

I'm having a give-away - just 'cause. 
If you'd like a copy of my WHIIMSEY: A NOVEL, AND a tote with the cover image of Whimsey on it, just drop me an email with "Whimsey Give-Away" in the subject line with your mailing address.  I'll toss all the names into my magic pink Willie Nelson baseball cap and draw one name on Sunday evening and will let the winner know by email that their name was drawn. 
Already have one?  Doesn't matter!  Get a second and give one to a friend.

And all I ask in return (of COURSE, there's payback!), is that you help me spread The Word of Whimsey.  Tell your friends, your family, your co-workers, your neighbors, your mail carrier, dentist, vet, baby/dog/cat sitter, etc. etc. etc. to give Whimsey a try. 

Send your email to barleykw at appstate dot edu - and Thank You!!!

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