Monday, August 25, 2014

Louise Penny's THE LONG WAY HOME

I read an advance copy of Louise Penny's THE LONG WAY HOME.

Then I sat down to write my own pitiful version of a review.

But instead, I did what I sometimes do. But only with books that have touched me deeply. I turned back to page one and read it a second time.

But I'm still having a very difficult time writing a review for this book.

Mostly, I think, because I'm so lacking in review writing skills, but also because many of you might find  my words empty and false for the simple reason that I think I have said every single one of Ms. Penny's books are "exquisite." I think I have said each leaves me "breathless" and that I always wonder how she could continue to surpass herself with each addition to the Three Pines series. Well, guess what - I'm saying it again.

She has taken us on a journey that was quite difficult for our beloved Three Pines residents, and therefore difficult for the readers who love them.

Taken us to places of beauty and of beautiful desolation - both geographically and emotionally. Like no one else can, in my opinion.

Heartbreaking, but still sprinkled with subtle humor. She always finds a way to make us laugh out loud in the midst of pain. The conversations ring real and true - and could only happen among dear and close friends sharing outrageous and irreverent quips, teasing and taunts with those they love enough to feel safe in doing.

And a perfect ending.

I always feel magic in Louise Penny's words and I love being able to allow them to caress my heart, while at the same time poke my mind into seeing and feeling all the things I'm not observant enough on my own to see and feel.

She is, without a doubt, a master of observation and has an understanding of people that is simply amazing - their needs, their wants, their strengths and weaknesses. This series is, I believe, a long long way from running its course. I hope it lasts forever.

Disclaimer:  an arc of The Long Way Home was provided by the publisher.  No review was promised and the above is my unbiased opinion.


Mason Canyon said...

It is so hard to review one of Penny's books. Your post says it all. Her books are magical, and this one is a great example of that. I recently finished listening to the audio version and am having a difficult time myself putting my thoughts on the book in a review. It's just something people have to experience for themselves.

Lesa said...

Kaye, You and Mason are both correct. It's so hard to summarize books that are that beautifully written and reach out and touch something in us. Every year, I think Louise won't be able to reach the pinnacle she did the year before. Every year, I'm proved wrong.

Anonymous said...

Kaye, I think you do a damn fine job in your reviews! They are all so... from the heart and soul... never by rote or prim and proper, like from a company desk in the City That Never Sleeps!!! Thelma Straw in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

By the way, if you want a big laugh... read the blog under my name by Melodie Campbell for Aug. 24 She is a scream!!!!! Thelma