Saturday, January 31, 2015

I have a new webpage

I'm working on building a new webpage. 

This is a whole new adventure for me.

I did a webpage several years ago, it's still active, but it's mostly a photo album.  I wanted a place to "store" old photos of friends and family, and it is still serving that purpose well.  It was an effort in teaching myself as I went along, and it's in old software and well, this new one is a few steps forward from it. Although, this too is an effort in teaching myself as I go along. 

I'm having a bunch of fun with it, but setting it up is a lot of work.  I am far from done.

Actually, I see it as a constant work in progress, depending on what pops into mind.

I hope you'll give it a look, and let me know what you think.

All suggestions are welcome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great!
