Monday, February 23, 2015

Ramona DeFelice Long

From Ramona's webpage: 

 "Ramona splits her times as an author, editor, instructor, and all-around literary cheerleader. She lives in Delaware but likes to traipse off to writing conferences, poetry readings, author talks, and the monthly flea market at the firehouse. Her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Her favorite food is Crème Brulee. She once had a dog named Marcie and still misses her. "

And she has a wonderful blog, which I've only just discovered.

I love sharing blogs I find fun and interesting just as much as I love sharing books.  As it happens, Ramona is now in the process of sharing books from her own personal library that she has found to be "insightful, intriguing, or illuminating about women."  Check it out - 'tis lovely!!

1 comment:

Kay said...

I love opening my email & finding a blog post from you! Thanks, Kaye, for always helping me find new people & interests to learn about. I went over & subscribed to Ramona's blog.