Thursday, June 18, 2015

Southern Writers Magazine

Are y'all familiar with Southern Writers Magazine?

It's a very, very cool magazine I only just discovered, but have quickly fallen in love with - check it out!

This from their webpage:

Southern Writersa community for writers and readers everywhere.
In our community, you'll find the exclusive online Southern Writers Bookstore, showcasing releases of all the authors who are in our magazine. Authors offer their newest book--autographed--in our signed book giveaways. 

Each  month you'll find articles written by and about some of your favorite authors.

Additionally, there are writing contests, ways to promote your work, writing conferences, books about writing and so much more.

But - it's not just for writers, AND it's not just for southerners.  

Here's some of what you can find in 
This month's edition:

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