Saturday, October 31, 2015

Missing a friend

Not all of you are on Facebook, so when I say "Facebook Memories" you have no idea what I'm talking about.

I'm one of the ones who loves Facebook.

It helps me keep in touch with friends and family I'm unable to see as often as I'd like.

It suits my own quirky social profile to a "T," being one who isn't really as social as I know I appear to be.

Facebook Memories is a little feature that pops up to show us snapshots of things we've posted in past years.

One of today's memories was this: 

". . . We like what we like, period. I sat up last night to finish reading Kaye Barley's WHIMSEY, a beautiful book, with Kaye's personality shining through every page. I can't decide whether she wrote a fairy tale for adults or a Cinderella story for the child in all of us, but I loved it."

Seeing sweet words written by a woman I loved, admired, respected and miss more than I can say took me by surprise this morning.

A lot of you knew her.

She supported all of us as we started on our own personal writing journey.

She supported us so fully that her own work was often put on hold.

She lived life to its fullest traveling the world riding a camel one day, maybe an elephant the next while always managing to look sophisticated and elegant with a mischievous sparkle in her eye.

Lifting my coffee cup to my friend Pat Browning.  I hope you'll join me.

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