Read about how the people of North Carolina are standing up to new anti-LGBT law in a big way - a very big way.
THIS is why you don't say things like "I will leave this stupid state," or "I'D never live THERE!" No. You fight for what's yours. And if you live in North Carolina, it's YOURS. Fight for it. Fight for what we once were and can be again. Don't just talk about it here at Facebook - FIGHT for it! Nothing worth anything is going to happen without fighting for it. Talk is cheap. FIGHT for your beliefs.
Here's a list of all NC representatives. I hope you'll consider writing to them - ALL of them - to let them know how you feel about what they're doing to the State of North Carolina. OUR state. We are so much better than they're showing us to be. The backlash is growing.
Use this link -
Cut and paste these names into an email and tell them how you feel, if you haven't already.
And PLEASE feel free to share this!
Sen. John Alexander; Sen. Tom Apodaca; Sen. Chad Barefoot; Sen. Tamara Barringer; Sen. Phil Berger; Sen. Stan Bingham; Sen. Dan Blue; Sen. Andrew Brock; Sen. Harry Brown; Sen. Angela Bryant; Sen. Ben Clark; Sen. Bill Cook; Sen. David Curtis; Sen. Warren Daniel; Sen. Don Davis; Sen. Jim Davis; Sen. Joel Ford; Sen. Valerie Foushee; Sen. Rick Gunn; Sen. Kathy Harrington; Sen. Fletcher Hartsell, Jr.; Sen. Ralph Hise; Sen. Jeff Jackson; Sen. Brent Jackson; Sen. Joyce Krawiec; Sen. Michael Lee; Sen. Paul Lowe; Sen. Tom McInnis; Sen. Floyd McKissick; Sen. Wesley Meredith; Sen. Buck Newton; Sen. Louis Pate; Sen. Ron Rabin; Sen. Bill Rabon; Sen. Shirley B. Randleman; Sen. Gladys Robinson; Sen. Bob Rucho; Sen. Norman Sanderson; Sen. Jane Smith; Sen. Erica Smith-Ingram; Sen. Dan Soucek; Sen. Josh Stein; Sen. Jeff Tarte; Sen. Jerry W. Tillman; Sen. Tommy Tucker; Sen. Terry Van Duyn; Sen. Joyce Waddell; Sen. Trudy Wade; Sen. Andy Wells; Sen. Mike Woodard; Rep. Jay Adams; Rep. Gale Adcock; Rep. John Ager; Rep. Kelly M. Alexander; Rep. Dean Arp; Rep. Marilyn Avila; Rep. Nathan Baskerville; Rep. John Bell; Rep. Larry Bell; Rep. Dan Bishop; Rep. Hugh Blackwell; Rep. John M. Blust; Rep. Jamie Boles, Jr; Rep. John Bradford; Rep. Bill Brawley; Rep. William Brisson; Rep. Cecil Brockman; Rep. Mark Brody; Rep. Rayne Brown; Rep. Gregory Murphy; Rep. Rob Bryan; Rep. Dana Bumgardner; Rep. Justin Burr; Rep. Becky Carney; Rep. Rick Catlin; Rep. George Cleveland; Rep. Jeff Collins; Rep. Debra Conrad; Rep. Tricia Cotham; Rep. Carla Cunningham; Rep. Leo Daughtry; Rep. Ted Davis; Rep. Jimmy Dixon; Rep. Josh Dobson; Rep. Nelson Dollar; Rep. Beverly Earle; Rep. Jeffrey Elmore; Rep. John Faircloth; Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield; Rep. Susan Fisher; Rep. Elmer Floyd; Rep. Carl Ford; Rep. John Fraley; Rep. Rosa Gill; Rep. William Richardson; Rep. Ken Goodman; Rep. Charles Graham; Rep. George Graham; Rep. Mike Hager; Rep. Duane Hall; Rep. Larry Hall; Rep. Susi Hamilton; Rep. Edward Hanes; Rep. Jon Hardister; Rep. Pricey Harrison; Rep. Kelly Hastings; Rep. Yvonne L. Holley; Rep. Kyle Hall; Rep. Craig Horn; Rep. Julia Howard; Rep. Howard Hunter III; Rep. Pat Hurley; Rep. Frank Iler; Rep. Verla Insko; Rep. Darren Jackson; Rep. Charles Jeter; Rep. Linda Johnson; House District 58; Rep. Bert Jones; Rep. Jonathan Jordan; Rep. Donny Lambeth; Rep. J.H. Langdon; Rep. David Lewis; Rep. Marvin Lucas; Rep. Paul Luebke; Rep. Chris Malone; Rep. Grier Martin; Rep. Susan Martin; Rep. Pat McElraft; Rep. Chuck McGrady; Rep. Allen McNeill; Rep. Graig Meyer; Rep. Mickey Michaux, Jr.; Rep. Chris Millis; Rep. Rodney Moore; Rep. Tim Moore; Rep. Gary Pendleton; Rep. Garland Pierce; Rep. Larry Pittman; Rep. Michele Presnell; Rep. Joe Sam Queen; Rep. Robert Reives; Rep. Bobbie Richardson; Rep. Dennis Riddell; Rep. George Robinson; Rep. Stephen Ross; Rep. Jason Saine; Rep. Brad Salmon; Rep. Jacqueline Schaffer; Rep. Mitchell Setzer; Rep. Phil Shepard; Rep. Michael Speciale; Rep. Paul Stam; Rep. Bob Steinburg; Rep. Sarah Stevens; Rep. John Szoka; Rep. Evelyn Terry; Rep. Paul Tine; Rep. John Torbett; Rep. Brian Turner; Rep. Rena Turner; Rep. Ken Waddell; Rep. Harry Warren; Rep. Sam Watford; Rep. Roger West; Rep. Chris Whitmire; Rep. Shelly Willingham; Rep. Michael Wray; Rep. Larry Yarborough; Rep. Lee Zachary
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