Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Musings . . .

I think, actually, I should just call this a procrastination post.

You know.

One of those, "oh, I'll do that in just a little bit,"  or "well, I need to do this and this and that and this and that and then I'll do the important, but hard, thing."

I should be writing.

I had a few days where I was doing that so well!  SO, well!   wow.

But now I'm having a couple days of not doing quite so well.


It'll come.

I know it will.


It's frustrating.

But  -  

I had a pretty good week - how 'bout y'all?

I worked at Pam and Jerry's a few days potting plants, labeling plants, staking plants, taking pictures of plants and just enjoying where I was and who I was with.  All for the upcoming Watauga County Annual Community Plant Sale.

Let's see.  What else did I do?

hmmm - got a manicure.

I met my former boss, Dr. Ostwalt a/k/a "Ozzie" for coffee one morning.

I took a couple of on-line photography lessons in the class I'm taking with Shaw Academy.

I shopped.  Mostly I shopped for Donald.  The man hates doing that, but we're going to be doing some traveling this summer, including my 50th high school reunion, so it was time for the boy to have some new clothes.

I also shopped for myself.  For new bras.  Lemme tell you - that is a pain!  Well, you already know that.  Well.  Some of you do.

It was so frustrating that I wrote about it.  That's what I'll be chatting about next Sunday at Jungle Red.  Shopping.  Usually a fun thing - but not always . . . .

Prince died this week.  You knew that.  Sad.  I was not one of the legions of fans who loved him and his work and was not, truth be told, very familiar with it.  But it's heartbreaking. 

This has been a very tough year with losing so many talented, creative, people.  The list is an unusually long one, I think.  There was an article, however, that explained it in the most basic manner.  We (me/baby boomers) are getting older.  We're beginning to die.  The musicians we've grown up loving are in this category with us - or older.  I can't even bear the thought, but next year and the next and on forward will only bring more of the same.

On the other side of that coin, Barbra Steisand's birthday is today.  She's 74.  Seventy-four.  Wow.  That's hard for me to believe.

So let's listen to her.  She is, I think, phenomenal.

And now. Now I'm going to go write - really . . .

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