Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thirty Years Ago Today

Donald Scott Barley and I exchanged our wedding vows in front of family and friends in a little chapel in Smyrna, GA thirty years ago today.

That day was, I think, important in ways too numerous to say.  But, mostly, it was an opportunity for us to pledge our belief in our future together with one another in front of family and friends.

It's been a lovely 30 years.

Not always easy.

There have, absolutely, been bumps along the way.

Would I do it again?


It's fun being married to Don Barley.

He makes me laugh.

He cares about me, and for me.

He makes me crazy sometimes, just as I do him.

To say it's been a perfect 30 years with no bumps would be a lie and a dumb thing, I think, to say.

Some people swear they've gone their entire married life without an argument.

Bless their hearts.

To my mind, that means at least one person is a bottled up wretch of a shell with either no feelings or opinions or is just beat to hell and back and can't speak up for him or herself.

'Course.  I could be wrong, too.

What I do know is that May 11, 1986 was a perfect day.
and here's a few pix, if you'd like to see how we celebrated the occasion -

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