Sunday, July 17, 2016

The First Annual Girls' Week at the Beach

Surf City, Topsail Island, North Carolina
July 9 - July 16, 2016

Our First Annual Girls' Week at the Beach was perfect.

We're already talking about the second.

I started out in a vacation state of mind with my Mocha Frappe

cool tunes to sing along with


my traveling buddy

Started the trip off just right with a visit with my friends Joe and Margaret Maron.  And as usual, they sent me off the next morning with a full tummy after serving up some French Toast and bacon.

I love visiting with the Marons.

Besides feeding me well, I know I can count of interesting conversations and delightful stories in one of the most comfortable homes I've ever had the pleasure of visiting.

I was the first to arrive at our house at the beach.  

The very first thing I did was step outside to take a deep breath, smell the salty air and listen to the welcome from the waves.

These two owls kept their wise and watchful eyes on us for a week, and were fine company.

Isn't our house adorable?  Its name is Whale Song.

Dindy and Vickie arrived a little later.

Dindy treated us to a delicious Low Country Boil for dinner.

And, for dessert . . . 
this beauty.

Maryglenn couldn't join us till Monday, but she sent this.

Best. Cake. EVER

We had dinner at Beauchaine's the next night.  

and we did a little exploring and picture taking

Paid a visit to one of my favorite trees and Vickie got a super picture of me and "my tree."

And we went to Quarter Moon Books.

One of the best indie bookstores I've ever been to.

It will never stop being a total thrill to find my Whimsey on a bookshelf.

And we did some deck sitting



And lookie - our Maryglenn arrived 

Another delicious dinner at home.  We love this little screened-in porch.  Tonight we had ham (prepared by moi), corn on the cob, cabrese salad and peas, grown and prepared by our Vickie.  It was to die for.

And then, Maryglenn fixed us lemondrops.

oh.  my.

This was my first ever lemondrop.

I think I'm in love.

And then for breakfast the next morning she fixed us mimosas and bacon crackers.

I could learn to live like this every single day, I do believe!

And what could possibly be better than coffee on the deck looking out over the ocean?

Not being a sun-worshiper any longer, I was either under this umbrella while on the deck, or in the screen porch

Oh, look.

Another morning, another mimosa

And another visit to Beauchaine's

We had doves as part of our little party also.


Our final evening as a foursome, we went to Home Port, wearing our "First Annual Girls' Week at the Beach" scarves

And Vickie and I said our goodbyes to Dindy and Maryglenn the following morning

Then I did a little shell seeking in my jammies while it was early and cool

Vickie and I went out to do a little more shopping (we did some good shopping)  and to the park and to snap some pictures of the old swing bridge which will be replaced before next summer rolls round.

And the next morning, we said goodbye

With the most perfect sunrise imaginable.

And we'll be back next year 

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