Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bouchercon 2016 - New Orleans, Part 1

So many pictures.

So many stories.

I think we'll just start with pictures.

Many of these have been posted at Facebook, so you've probably already seen a lot of them, but it's more fun, I think, if they're all in one spot for going back to enjoy over and over.

After a long day of travel, I was happy to see our room, and happy to see we had a nice view.

After quickly dumping my suitcases, I went downstairs to join some more early arrivals.

I can't even begin to explain how happy it makes me to see some of these much loved faces when Bouchercon rolls around once a year.

They're family, plain and simple.

It's a long story.

Suffice to say, we like chickens.

And Kathy bought new chicken earbobs for the occassion.


I took Donald's cold with me, and the longer I sat in the bar, the worse I felt.

I walked into the little Starbucks looking for some comfort food and as luck would have it, there was a nice man who also happened to be one of the hotel chefs.

He asked if I was feeling poorly (apparently, one look was enough to tell).

I whined that yes, I was feeling pretty poorly.

This tray was delivered to my room about 30 minutes later.

Homemade chicken soup that was divine, freshly squeezed orange juice that almost made me cry it was so good, and all this - ALL this!

This is the kind of hotel service that can just spoil a girl rotten.

As it should be.

Truth be told, I don't remember too much about Tuesday in New Orleans.  I'm not sure I left my room.  If anyone can give me a clue or two here, it would be much appreciated.  LordAMercy . . . 

But Wednesday, I did leave my room.

I started it off by saying "Good Morning, New Orleans!"

Then wandered around the hotel a bit to get myself a little familiar with things see what might be going on

Found the Auction Room and was able to check out some of the auction items that had been delivered

Spotted Auction Chair, David Magayna - a man hard at work

And Erin Mitchell and John Purcell getting ready to be hard at work

Along with some of the registration and book bazaar volunteers as things behind the scenes of Bouchercon begin buzzing

I kinda had to sit on the always busy Moni Draper to make her stop long enough for a picture.

(just cause I love this phone)

 Spotted my pal Aubrey Nye Hamilton

And we were joined by another pal - Terry Shames

The adorable Kristopher Zgorski and David Magayna

And, our group is beginning to form as we prepare to do our Cemetery/Voodoo Tour - Dru Ann Love, David Magayna, M'Lou Greene and me

checking out a few places I might want to visit later (shopping is never far from my mind)

This old brothel is available for lease

 I think my friends are getting a little goofy from the heat

We did not go into the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, but we did walk through  rock grotto shrine to St.. Jude to enter St. Louis Cemetery No. 1.

When I go back to New Orleans, this church is on my "must see" list.

Could Janet have found any earbobs more perfect for our tour through St. Louis Cemetery #1?

I loved it here.

When I go back to New Orleans, I want to go again.

AND, I want to visit some of the other cemeteries as well.

I have been fascinated by Madame Marie Laveau for many years.

I don't think I could have gone to New Orrleans and and not made this visit.

I stopped here long enough to whisper a "thank you" to Madame Laveau for allowing me to borrow her voodoo self for the story I wrote for "Blood on the Bayou."  I'm pretty sure she helped me write it.

Anyone remember this from a scene in the movie "Easy Rider?"

and this?  Well, this was the point where I started feel pretty wobbly.  Wobbly enough to get into a cab and go back to the hotel.

But, I came back to life after a very cold shower and a long nap.

More later!!


Lesa said...

So much fun to see friends, and what I missed by not being there Wednesday morning. I miss being with everyone!

kk said...

Wonderful memories and photos. I look forward to the next installment.

Jody said...

I see that you did get a few photos while out & about. Thanks for sharing.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Thanks, everyone. I have had the most funny putting these together. Enjoy!