Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bouchercon 2016 - New Orleans, Part 3

This is Bouchercon 2016 - Part 3
Click here for Part 1
Click here for Part 2

From Friday -

Good Morning, New Orleans!


I had to report for duty at 9 a.m. for my volunteer gig in the auction room.  This guy?  One very tough taskmaster

Friends dropped by and it was a fun couple of hours.

Then it was lunch at the Palace Cafe with pals Molly Weston and

Maryglenn McCombs

And a drink - Orange Julius!" - at Mr. B's 

Back to the hotel just in time to run into Reed Farrel Coleman.

I love Reed Farrel Coleman.

He was one of the very first people I met at my very first Bouchercon, which was Baltimore, 2008.  I got a hug from him then, and have gotten one every B'con that I've attended since.

Fangirl Moment -  Spotting the very cool Walter Mosley

I finally got to meet, in person, two women who have been an influence in my life.

Ramona DeFelice Long and Linda Rodriguez.  These women do not just talk it, honey, they walk the walk.  They have taught me much and there is still much to learn.

It was pouring, and with my cold, I just did not want to join the parade, but it was fantastic!!

There are lots of photos and videos that you can see at Facebook.  The floats were very cool, and the costumes were amazing.

and, of course, a little later than evening, some of us ended up back in the bar.  Huh.  Imagine that.

We're not quite finished - more to come . . . 

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