Friday, October 14, 2016

Facebook - Keeping me sane while driving me nuts

"And now I really, really, really am going to bed."

This is how I ended my evening at Facebook last night.

Well after my normal sign-off time.

Yesterday brought highs.

It also brought lows. 

The extremes are exhausting.

I feel like we're a country at its most crucial point.

I feel, like many of you, that what we'll wake up to the day after the election will be either a bright, calming light of kindness, good sense and hope, or a darkness we may not come out of in my lifetime.

In the meantime, I'll rant a little at Facebook.

I'll cry some.

I'll look for art that inspires me, or makes me smile, or brings tears for the sheer simple joyous beauty it gives me.  

And I'll post some of those pieces at Facebook.

I'll listen to music that does the same.

And I''ll post some of those pieces at Facebook.

And I'll count on smart, kind, like-minded friends at Facebook to help keep me sane by doing the same.

We'll continue having our rants, yes, but we'll include some beauty.

Some art which helps pull us out of the mud while the hateful bigots who are also there drive us all jointly nuts with wild-ass conspiracy theories and a determination to vote for a crazy man as president of this country for no other apparent reason than their hatred of the Clintons and the Obamas.

I'm sorry - I just don't get it.

But it seems an odd way to run a country.

A destructive self-defeating way of attempting to rise above the things that are eroding the good things that we are all capable of being.

So  -  today I will sing songs I love.  

I may sing them badly, but by God, I will sing them loudly.

And I will enjoy beautiful works of art.

I will read perfectly written words of prose and poetry penned by talented people who know how to ease a body's tired ol' soul.

And I will hold on to hope.


Lesa said...

Kaye, I can't tell you how much I love you, and your words - words of wisdom, ranting words, all those words that demand to be heard. Thank you for speaking up and saying what you truly think. And, thank you for sharing Michelle Obama's speech again. It, and you, need to be heard. Hugs, my friend.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

oh, Lesa.

what would I do without you?

Hugs back, my dear friend.

i love you and you're one of the reasons I feel able to speak what's on my mind. Thank you.