Monday, October 9, 2017

Paris Trip - Part Seven

Friday our day started with breakfast and a café crème at La Carrousel once again and then on a bus to Giverny.

I feel as though I have dreamed of Giverny my entire life, and it was everything I had hoped it would be, if not more.

Glorious.  Peaceful.  Vibrant.  Calm.  All those things in a lovely Giverny bubble.


Then, back on the bus to Restaurant Le Moulin de Fourges, about 10 minutes from Giverny, on th banks of the river Epte.  

After a lovely lunch, we had a chance to see Bernard Valt, artist, at work and to buy one of his paintings. 

Then back on the bus to Versailles.

While thrilled to have had the opportunity visit Versailles, it's another place I'll skip on my next visit to France.  Well, except for the gardens, they were quite lovely.  The palace is, in my mind, opulence to the point of obscenity.  While other places we've visited have been crowded, the crowds at Versailles seemed a little less concerned about others - stepping in front of others while taking pictures, rushing by hurriedly and knocking into anyone in their way, and generally just ruder that what we had seen all week.

And then, back on the bus, home again, home again.

Back in our neighborhood of Montparnasse, we did a little more shopping and had our "last night in Paris" dinner.

I will miss looking up and seeing these adorably whimsical artsy items on our bedroom wall before going to sleep at night.

It's been a perfect week.  

One I will never forget.  

Lifting a glass to the three best traveling companions anyone could ask for. 🍸 

Love you to the moon and back, Lesa, Lisa and Vickie.


Stay Tuned - More to Come!

(be sure to check out Lesa's "Sunday in Paris")


Lesa said...

Love you to the moon and back, too, Kaye. Glorious trip. And, your pictures are stunning. That's a wonderful lens you have there, and, an even better eye on the photographer.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Thank you, dear sister of my heart. Did I mention how much I love my new lens?? LOL!