Thursday, October 5, 2017

Paris Trip - Part Three

Monday in Paris - Magnifique!!

We visited Marais, beautiful Place des Vosges where Victor Hugo lived, Sainte Chapelle (which we all fell in love with and agreed is not to be missed), Montmartre, Sacré-Cœur, and Moulin Rouge.  

I had a caricature done in Montmarte by an adorable caricature artist and it was a bunch of fun.  We did learn, however, that not all caricaturists are created equal.  Some are not only not very talented, they're quite rude.

With Lisa's navigation skills and determination, we found one of the things I was most obsessed about seeing.  The Man in the Wall.  I learned about him in "Atlas Obscura" and it just wasn't going to do for me to be in Paris and not track him down.  To me, it was worth it, and I thank Lisa, Lesa and Vickie for finding him when I might have given up.

And who can resist pretending to be a Can-Can girl at Moulin Rouge?!  Not me, that's for sure!

Again, there was shopping, stopping in lovely little cafes, extensive "flâneusing," and much laughter.

Back in Montparnasse, we had a fun dinner at The Comptour.  And must have entertained others without knowing it 'cause when it came time to pay our adorable waiter informed us "the men took care of it."  We were pretty wrapped up in ourselves, sharing old stories and reliving our day so we hadn't noticed "the men," but we surely do appreciate their generosity.  How sweet and very cool was that?!

Luckily, Vickie and Lisa noticed there were two lines in front of Sainte Chapell.

One of those lines was actually for the Ministry of Justice and not Sainte Chapell at all.


Moving on . . . 


Lesa said...

I just love those pictures of you at Moulin Rouge. You look so happy.

Kathy Reel said...

More gargoyles, more doors, more food!!!! Love the caricature of you, Kaye! How did you possibly narrow down what artwork to buy with all of the painting set up outdoors? My daughter bought a painting that an artist was working on outside of the Moulin Rouge when she was in Paris. And, Moulin Rouge!