Thursday, March 8, 2018

Doris Ann Norris - R.I.P.

Doris Ann Norris was a woman I met during the early days of DorothyL.

One of the most knowledgeable book people I've had the honor and pleasure of getting to know.

We remained friends over an awful lot of years.

Unable to see one another often, we would pop into one another's computers from time to time just to say "hey!" and catch up a little.

I always made a point of looking for her when I was able to get to Malice Domestic or Bouchercon. 

She was a busy woman.  A woman everyone wanted to spend a little time with,  but always made it a point to speak to everyone she'd pass in the hotel corridors, asking how they were, how was the book writing coming, how was the family - all things she knew would mean a lot.

She was a woman who did an amazing amount of unheralded work for the mystery community, in her own quiet unassuming manner, and she would have had it no other way.  

Her absence in the community will leave a hole that will never be filled. 

After much badgering, I was finally able to get her to contribute a piece to Meanderings and Muses.  And am awfully glad I badgered until she finally gave in - here it is:

Goodbye my friend. You will be so missed by so many.


Clea Simon said...

I am so sorry to read this. She was a wonderful person.

Jenn McKinlay said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. It was always a treat to visit with her at conferences. My heart is heavy.
Good-bye, Doris Ann. You were one of my favorite book people and that will never change.

Lesa said...

I agree with Jenn. I loved her gruffness & kindness. One of my favorite book people. Rest in Peace, 2000 Year Old Librarian.

Cathy Ace said...

Oh my, I am only just catching up with this. Doris Ann and I have spent so many hours together...she was fulsome with praise, encouraging, supportive, knowledgeable, fascinating, annoying, sharp...and occasionally cutting. I'm crying as I type this. I shall miss her terribly. As will many, who knew her better.