Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Robert S. Levinson, R.I.P.

The mystery community says goodbye to yet another.

Robert S. Levinson was one of a kind.  An integral and unforgettable member of the mystery community.

He was kind and funny and knew everyone, including more than a few Hollywood greats.

He was, in addition to being an author, a newspaperman, a publicist, PR man, producer.

For an amazing list of Bob's clients just look here -

He will be missed by many.

I didn't know Bob well, but I always loved his stories and was honored to able to get him to post at Meanderings and Muses.  Here 'tis - Enjoy.

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Kaye, I read the comments, too. Pat Browning's gone. I don't know about some of the authors. Sad.