Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Thank you

Y'all. I'm feeling loved and appreciated and valued and a wee bit emotional with all the support Donald and I have received for our Carousels of Paris. 

No book has been as much fun to put together, no book has been as much fun to research. No book has made the writer and photographer happier or more proud. 

Annabelle joins us in thanking you. A special thank you to Mike Orenduff and A&K Books, the guy who publishes books for the writers who want to write them. 

And a thank you filled with much love to the guy who edited and guided me, mentored me and believed in me; Earl Staggs, I miss you every single day, darlin'.


And here's what Carousels of Paris looked like yesterday (3/17/2020) afternoon -  -  -

#25 in Paris Travel Guides at Amazon

Life is Good

Earl would be proud.

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