Friday, April 17, 2020

Another amazing review!

"Carousels of Paris" was the recipient of some amazing words from reviewer Kathy Boone Reel at her well known and popular blog, The Reading Room.

I am proud and happy and gratified and delighted beyond words.

You can read Kathy's review here

" . . .  if your heart, soul, and mind could use some uplifting, The Carousels of Paris will wrap you in its charm and beauty, and when we can once again physically travel to Paris, you can include a tour of carousels, too."

Kathy Boone Reel having a cup of coffee at Daisy Dukes, New Orleans
Photograph by Kaye Wilkinson Barley
on what was a very fun day

1 comment:

Kathy Reel said...

You've made me cry happy tears. I'm so glad you're in my world, Kaye, and that your wonderful creativity is in the world for all to enjoy!