Monday, April 13, 2020

Book Give-Away

If you would like to enter our contest to win a copy of "Carousels of Paris," send an email to  by Friday, April 17th.

Please type "Carousels of Paris Contest" in the subject line, your name and mailing address in the body of the email.

Don't forget that mailing address!

I'll put the entries in my magic pink Willie Nelson baseball cap.

And we'll draw a name on Saturday, April 18th with Annabelle acting as witness.

I will then contact the winner and ask from which bookstore you'd like to receive your book.

This is an opportunity for us to help support local independent bookstores, but that will, of course, be up to the winner.

The winning name will be posted at the webpage and here.

Good luck!

Stay healthy,
stay home, if you're able!

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