Saturday, October 3, 2020

Hell Yes I'm Mad

Donald and I, like all of you, have had a very different year than expected.

We, like many of you, have self-isolated, washed our hands continually, curtailed our social activities and travel.

We're still not eating in restaurants.

We're still not keeping appointments we would normally keep.  (We both desperately need haircuts, but that is not going to happen for awhile).

And we wear a mask when we leave the house.

All while this president, his family and his administration have carelessly tossed aside and  ridiculed all the facts offered by medical professionals who actually believe in science.

This photo is a perfect example of wilfull stupidity.  Now being referred to on social media platforms as "the Massacre in the Rose Garden."


This photo is a perfect example of wilfull and negligent arrogance.  

The trump family arrived at the debate venue too late to be tested, then refused to wear masks in  violation of the Commission on Presidential Debates’ rules.

Trump then attended a fundraiser in New Jersey on Thursday evening, knowing full well that his aide, Hope Hicks, had tested positive.


I'm angry.

Damn right I am.

Because THIS is who this man is 

Cruel.  Ignorant.  Uncaring.

He, his administration, his family and his supporters have embraced and delighted in cruelty.

I've been angry for four years for a number of reasons; the cruelty dealt by this president leads the list of reasons.

So yeah - reading the timeline leading up to the announcement of the president's diagnosis has made me angry.

Madder than hell, actually.

While I don't wish the man dead, here's what I say to his supporters who are demanding we show him some respect, some kindness and some compassion.

Fuck you.

I think it's fair to say, many of the broken-hearted families of 200,000 + people who might still be alive today if we were "led" by an administration who actually put people ahead of party politics feel the same way.

Those people make me sick.  And if I become literally sick with this virus I'm pointing a finger at the president of my country.

In the meantime, although Joe & Jill Biden tested negative, they are not in the clear yet.  We can't know for sure for another week or more.  

I'm putting this list from CBS News here and will be updating it as I'm sure some of these "negatives" will be changing to "positives" over the next several days.

Trump's family:

  • Melania Trump: Tested positive on Friday, October 2.
  • Ivanka TrumpTested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Jared KushnerTested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Barron TrumpTested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Donald Trump, Jr.Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Eric TrumpTested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Lara TrumpTested negative on Friday, October 2.

White House: 

  • Counselor to the president Hope Hicks: Tested positive on Thursday, October 1.
  • Vice President Mike Pence: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Chief of staff Mark Meadows: Tested negative Friday, October 2.
  • Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.


  • Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett: The White House said in a statement that she tested negative on Friday, October 2. 
  • Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie: Christie, who helped Mr. Trump with debate preparation and spent hours with him and Hicks over several days, tweeted on October 3 that he tested positive.
  • Former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway: Tweeted on Friday, October 2, that she has COVID-19.
  • Attorney General Bill Barr: The Justice Department said he tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Reverend John Jenkins: The president of the University of Notre Dame, who attended Barrett's nomination at the White House has tested positive, according to the university.
  • Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien: Tested positive for coronavirus Friday, October 2.
  • Senior Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller: Miller, who was involved in President Trump's debate prep, tested negative.
  • Rudy Giuliani: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Chris Wallace: The first debate moderator was tested on Friday and is awaiting results.


  • Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn (R): Attended debate and flew on Air Force One; Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Minnesota Representative Jim Hagedorn (R): Flew on Air Force One; tested negative Friday, October 2.
  • Ohio Representative Jim Jordan (R): Attended debate and flew on Air Force One; tested negative on Friday, October 2 
  • Utah Senator Mike Lee (R): Judiciary Committee member who attended Barrett's nomination announcement and met with her this week. Tested positive Thursday, October 1.
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D): Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham: The Judiciary Committee chair tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis (R): Judiciary Committee member who attended Barrett's nomination announcement. Tested positive on Friday, October 2. 
  • Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson (R): Tested positive for the virus on Friday, October 2.

Not in recent contact with Trump, but tested protectively:

  • Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel: Tested positive on Wednesday, September 29.
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.
  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: He said in Croatia that he tested negative on Friday, October 2. 
  • Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe: Tested negative on Friday, October 2.

Remember - even with all this constant drama - we need to keep our eyes on the election and VOTE!

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