Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Sunday Project

You know those projects you think about doing?

And think about . . .

And think about some more . . . 

Until you FINALLY get around to doing them?

Well, that's me.


This little set of built-in shelves is in our bedroom.  And here lives books by my favorite authors.  

Can you read the titles?

I always try to read book titles in pictures and videos. 

They are all books by Anne Rivers Siddons, Pat Conroy, Margaret Maron, and Louise Penny.

Most are first editions.  Several are ARCs.

Most are autographed and/or personalized.


Books I will keep forever.

That empty shelf? 

Well, there were several books there that I love.  Old faves, and new.  More about them in a minute.

Sadly, there won't be new books from Anne Rivers Siddons, Pat Conroy, or Margaret Maron.

But that empty shelf is waiting for new books from Louise Penny.  

This little now empty bookcase lives in our bedroom as well.

It once held books on writing, along with some of my favorite books of poetry and essays.

But then they, along with those favorite books from the built-in shelves, ended up here.

Piled on our bed.

This project is taking longer than I thought, and if I don't get myself moving we're going to be sleeping on the floor tonight.

But while pulling books off shelves I found a few fun things, like this special little book.

Along with several notes and cards I've held on to from special friends.

But enough of all that.

I need to get back to work.

My plan is to move Paris books from here - - - 

(This is just some of them)

to the shelves in the bedroom.

The books piled on our bed are going to replace the Paris books on the vertical shelves in the sunroom.

And that, my friends, is my Sunday project, and I gotta get moving!

But first I think I'll have a fresh cup of coffee . . . 

(I'll let you know if we end up sleeping on the floor . . . )


Lesa said...

Well, I haven't heard anything, no groans coming from Boone, so I'm guessing you were able to sleep in the bed last night.

I loved the glimpse at your treasured books, and all of the Paris ones.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Ha! You know you would have heard the complaining! LOL! The bed was clear and we were able to sleep comfortably. The sunroom, however, is a mess!