Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 11, 1986

 May 11, 1986

Donald and I stood together in a small chapel in Atlanta in front of friends and family to be joined in matrimony and promised to try our best.  

It was a promise that we believed in the future.
In a future together.

We promised to be kind to one another.

To respect one another.

To stick together through thick and thin.

And privately, we promised to have adventures and laugh a lot.

Along with our vows we shared these words; 
"Grow old along with me.  
The best is yet to be - the last of life for which the first was made." 

Promises are sometimes hard to keep.  

It hasn't all been sunshine and roses, but because we believe in promises, and because we never stopped believing in one another, we have triumphed over some rough spots. 

   So - all in all, we've done pretty good and have grown stronger together.

Since that day we've celebrated our anniversary in many ways, in many places.

Quiet dinners at home while playing Scrabble.

Dinners out.

Pizzas delivered.

Or, sometimes, just ice cream.

On the beach.

At home in the mountains.


A concert or two.

And sometimes we forget just exactly how many years we've been married.

But we both agree, we'd do it again.

This year we'll be celebrating at home in Meat Camp, NC.

Just me, Donald, and Annabelle.

And we'll take a few minutes to count our blessings.

While we don't agree on every single thing, we do agree that on this day, right now, we are happy to be alive, to be together and happy that we are healthy.

Who knows what the days ahead might bring?

Silly to try to guess.   We have, after all, watched the world change in surprising ways during our years together.

"Union gives strength." 
         ~ Aesop


Lesa said...

Happy Anniversary.

I love you, and the little bit of your story that I know. Not much, just enough to admire both of you.

Sending love to all three of you. And, I hope you continue to be happy and healthy together.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Thank you, Lesa.
Love you back ❤