Sunday, February 25, 2024


I have been a fan of Southern Literature for about what feels like a hundred years.  Good Southern Literature.  Which is what the Willie Morris Award celebrates. 

 I have been outspoken about books that are too often referred to as Southern lit when they are, in actuality, simply books written about a stereotypical image of the south shared by a small number of people uneducated about the ways, the culture, the spirit, of the true south.  

David Joy's novel is one that embraces what the south really is - warts and all.  I cannot say enough about THOSE WE THOUGHT WE KNEW (most recent Willie Morris recipient for Southern Fiction) except to say I hope you'll read it.  And then tell everyone you know to read it.   

 "His intricately developed characters, careful establishment of place and thoughtful storyline demonstrate a depth and complexity that challenges the reader to confront preconceived notions about race, friendship and community,” Weatherly said.

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