Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Purging and Moving Ahead (baby steps, but moving ahead)


Like so many of you, I needed an outlet for all the post election feelings.

The feelings continue to run the gamut.

Somewhere in the mix I'm cooking a lot, baking a lot, and eating a lot.

And, without a plan, started tearing up our sunroom.

All the stuff you see in this photo

Has been successfully allocated a new spot - either kept, donated, or thrown away.

And Voilà -

Our beloved sunroom is once again available for living.  Yes, it's cluttered, it has always been and will always be . . . cluttered.  I like pretty things. 😊

See that red and green basket in the floor next to the loom?  That's little hint as to what starts happening out here next . . .

We're not really feeling much in the holiday spirit, truth be told, but dammit, we are gonna make it happen.

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