Sunday, December 8, 2024

Feeling Pissy




I am feeling pissy.

About a lot of things - my social security and if I'm going to lose it, for one (that tops the list today).

But the thing I cannot shake but hope writing about it helps, is something that happened on Facebook several years ago.  

Years ago.

But it has stayed with me. 

The argument about saying "Merry Christmas" OR "Happy Holidays" had raised its tired old head.  

I (a non-church going person) am NOT going to apologize for thinking this is a tired argument.

I stated my perspective which was, and still is, that when people (including myself) say Merry Christmas it isn't said with malice and should not (in my mind and heart) be taken as such.

I (as I believe most people do) honestly simply say it during this celebrated of seasons as a greeting of good wishes without any deeper thought.

But - a person who I do not know personally, but only virtually through my group of reading/writing friends brought me soundly to task, called me a racist and blocked me.

No one, before or since, has called me a racist and it still hurts and I am still pissed about it.

And now I interchangeably say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" but neither comes with much joy, truth be told, but with trepidation.

And, right now especially, I feel the need for joy and damn it, I guess I have allowed someone I've never even met permanently steal a little of it away from me.

If he was still my Facebook "friend" I would say what I should have said back then - Fuck you and the reindeer you rode in on.

To the rest of you -

Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!

 (choose one and know I sincerely wish you well).


Clea Simon said...

Oh, dear, Kaye! I'm a champion grudge holder and I sympathize! But I hope you can get that #(*$$! out of your head in time to fully enjoy the solstice holiday of your choice! (How's that for a non-practicing Jewish sorta Wiccan wish?) Merry Christmas and happy all the other holidays too!

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Thank you, Clea. You made me laugh.

Kathy Reel said...

You know, my dearest Kaye, that there are some days I just wish I could hit something. So, slip me the name of this person and I will do you a solid by beating the shit out of the fucking joy stealer.

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

YOU, Dear Ride or Die Sister, are the best! 😘