Thursday, January 2, 2025

Resolution(s) ?


Even if I don't always announce my intentions to lose weight, those intentions live full-time in my head (as i grab a hand-full of oreos).

I guess it's only on New Year's Day intentions become resolutions.

Is that how that works?

But, anyhoo, aside from that little nugget . . .

For the past few years I have borrowed Laura Lippman's idea for a simple, concise one word resolution.

This year I don't even feel comfortable doing that.

I thought I might use "disengage."

That's honestly the word that suits my state of mind best right now.

But, instead, I think I'm going to say, quite simply, this:  

I will disengage as I can in that I will continue not watching the news.  I will pick and choose what headlines I want to delve into or walk away from.  I will not allow a slimy cretin I believe to be a greedy soulless, heartless monster enter my mind on a daily basis.  Fuck him and his band of greedy spineless idiot disciples.


My disengagement only goes so far.  

I have deep reserves of fight left in me for the important battles coming our way.

Queue Tom Petty (and turn it up!!!)

Well, I won't back down
No I won't back down
You could stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down
No I'll stand my ground
Won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground
And I won't back down
Well, I know what's right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won't back down)
And I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I won't back down
(I won't back down) Hey baby
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won't back down)
And I won't back down (I won't back down)
No I won't back down
Songwriters: Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne. For non-commercial use only.

1 comment:

Kaye Wilkinson Barley - Meanderings and Muses said...

Distance. Yes - Perfect!

Elon Musk is going to become a problem with huge consequences. He's only just begun showing his colors.