Even if I don't always announce my intentions to lose weight, those intentions live full-time in my head (as i grab a hand-full of oreos).
I guess it's only on New Year's Day intentions become resolutions.
Is that how that works?
But, anyhoo, aside from that little nugget . . .
For the past few years I have borrowed Laura Lippman's idea for a simple, concise one word resolution.
This year I don't even feel comfortable doing that.
I thought I might use "disengage."
That's honestly the word that suits my state of mind best right now.
But, instead, I think I'm going to say, quite simply, this:
I will disengage as I can in that I will continue not watching the news. I will pick and choose what headlines I want to delve into or walk away from. I will not allow a slimy cretin I believe to be a greedy soulless, heartless monster enter my mind on a daily basis. Fuck him and his band of greedy spineless idiot disciples.
My disengagement only goes so far.
I have deep reserves of fight left in me for the important battles coming our way.
Queue Tom Petty (and turn it up!!!)
No I won't back down
You could stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down
Won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won't back down
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground
And I won't back down
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won't back down)
And I won't back down
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I won't back down
There ain't no easy way out (I won't back down)
Hey I will stand my ground (I won't back down)
And I won't back down (I won't back down)
No I won't back down
Well said Kay. We felt the same through the long years of Tory government in Westminster. Our news is depressing me even more now as I see the ways in which Elon Musk is determined to hold hands with our appalling far right groups. But - to a certain extent - we have to keep on fighting the fight. I still think 'disengage' is a good word though - we need to protect ourselves, and to enjoy the things we can enjoy. I think my word might be 'distance.'
During Covid I didn't want to hear the news. I said this to everyone I knew and most of them got it. The two that didn't were a friend who insisted on telling me about everything she heard on the radio, the gloomier the better. She is a very anxious person so I did my best to be nice. The second was my mother, who started every phone conversation with 'I know you don't watch the news, but.....' And there's no point in arguing with a 90+ year old!
Distance. Yes - Perfect!
Elon Musk is going to become a problem with huge consequences. He's only just begun showing his colors.
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